
Trofi Market front end

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ZNFT Client Interface

Znft client is the interface for interacting with the ZNFT smart contracts throught web3 protocols.

Table of contents


Interface for Veraswap built with Create React App

Built with

  • React - JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Ethers - Web3 Library for interacting with the Smart Contracts.
  • Infura - Remote Procedural Calls Client
  • Ant Design for React - React UI library that contains a set of high quality components and demos for building rich, interactive user interfaces

Getting Started


To run this project on your machine, the following need to have installed:

  • Node.Js - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
  • npm - Default package manager for Node.Js


Step by step instructions on setting up the project and running it

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/znftmarket/znft-client
  2. Install dependencies

    npm install
  3. Configure the Environment Variables. Example files are found at here.

    Please note that without .env files the app will crash and will not start in local.

  4. Start development server

    npm start

Project structure

  1. Project's static assets (Fonts, Icons, Images) can be found at src/assets
  2. JSX components are created page specific as well as based on functionality under src/components. Page specific components are found under the src/. Eg., src/dao for all the DAO related pages.
  3. All the ABIs of tokens/smart contracts used in the application are found under src/utils/abi folder.
  4. All smart contract calls can be found at src/utils under the notation -function.js.
  5. All ipfs related functions are found at src/utils/ipfs.js
  6. All graphql queries are found at src/utils/queries


  1. Eslint configuration can be updated at .eslintrc.json at project root directory