.S.tupid .E.rlang .P.roject .T.ools These are transitory scripts while I try to find something to handle my erlang hobby projects without using cumbersome building frameworks. You probably don't want to use this, but just in case: You're supposed to download this repository in a lib directory, where any other repositories containing erlang applications lie around. Once done, you have to run sept/install.sh. * get_dirty.sh: peeks all the git repositories to make sure that all are committed (locally) * get_ahead.sh: prints the list of git repositories with changes that are not in upstream * get_svn_ahead.sh: prints the list of git repositories that have changes that are not in svn upstream (in case you use git-svn) * get_branch: prints the branch in which each repository is * install.sh: links all scripts in sept/.. with absolute paths, so that you can run them for the whole project and from any directory * make.sh: enter in all src files and run erlang -make like script to build the binaries. You can also pass a directory as first argument and will make only that directory (much faster) * run.sh: fire a VM with the code path set to load from what we built * erl-edit.sh: fire an emacs with the code path set so that flymake actually flies (otherwise it would report errors in include_libs) * update.sh: pull in all git repositories * tarball.sh: create a distributable tarball for a single application, adding the git version in a file called GIT_VERSION for the record