
Project repository for "INF5750: 2B || !2B"

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


Project repository for "INF5750: 2B || !2B"


To install dependencies: npm install

To run with hot reloading: npm start

To build and run manually: npm run build

To build in dev mode, rebuilds changes; npm run dev

NB! important

to be able to fetch data from DHIS play, the url (localhost:3000) has to be approved at: http://play.dhis2.org/demo Go to system setings (under the buttont with squares) --> Accsess and under CORS whitelist add: http://localhost:3000

API docs from DHIS2


Project info


Style framework

http://materializecss.com/getting-started.html To read / get the style information, markup: run the application and click on the style link in the menu bar. It opens in a new window, and from there you could go in and find the correct markup for a specific layout.

To read / get the style information, markup: run the application and click on the style link in the menu bar. It opens in a new window, and from there you can find the correct markup for a specific layout.

Modules / components


component name

description of the component, and usage