
Python wrapper for Secugen FDx fingerprint scanner C/ C++ library

Primary LanguageC++

Thu Jun 30 10:48:31 PDT 2016
SecuGen FDx SDK PRO for Unix/Linux
Version 3.8.0 

Updating '.':
At revision 1228.
Release Notes:
1. This version supports the following SecuGen devices:
    USB Hamster PRO VID:0x1162 PID:0x2201 (UPx class device)
    USB Hamster PRO 20 VID:0x1162 PID:0x2200 (U20 class device)
    USB Hamster IV VID:0x1162 PID:0x2000 (SDU04P class device)
    USB Hamster Plus VID:0x1162 PID:0x1000 (SDU03P class device)
    USB Hamster IV VID:0x1162 PID:0x330 (FDU04 class device)
    USB Hamster Plus VID:0x1162 PID:0x322 (SDU03M class device)
    USB Hamster Plus VID:0x1162 PID:0x320 (FDU03 class device)
2. This version supports (has been tested with) the following Linux versions:
    UBUNTU 14.04
    Linux ubuntu 3.13.0-32-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:51:12 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux
    gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2
    java version "1.6.0_45"

    UBUNTU 14.04
    Linux ubuntu 3.13.0-87-generic #133-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 24 18:32:09 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    gcc version 4.8.4 (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04) 
    java version "1.6.0_36"

1. Install the following packages if not already installed on your system.
    libgtk2.0-dev (2.24.23-0ubuntu1)

2. Install the SecuGen USB Device Drivers
    cd <install_dir>/lib/linux
    make install
    If you need to uninstall, the command is (make uninstall)

3. By default, only the root user can access the SecuGen USB device because the device requires 
    write permissions, To allow non-root users to use the device, perform the following steps:
    3.1 Create a SecuGen Group
        # groupadd SecuGen
    3.2 Add fingerprint users to the SecuGen group.
        #gpasswd -a myUserID SecuGen
        (substitute user name for myUserID)
    3.3 Create a file in /etc/udev/rules.d/99SecuGen.rules.
        Add the following lines:

ATTRS{idVendor}=="1162", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0320", SYMLINK+="input/fdu03-%k", MODE="0660", GROUP="SecuGen"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1162", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0322", SYMLINK+="input/sdu03m-%k", MODE="0660", GROUP="SecuGen"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1162", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0330", SYMLINK+="input/fdu04-%k", MODE="0660", GROUP="SecuGen"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1162", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1000", SYMLINK+="input/sdu03p-%k", MODE="0660", GROUP="SecuGen"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1162", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2000", SYMLINK+="input/sdu04p-%k", MODE="0660", GROUP="SecuGen"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1162", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2200", SYMLINK+="input/sdu05-%k", MODE="0660", GROUP="SecuGen"
KERNEL=="uinput", MODE="0660", GROUP="SecuGen"

    3.4 Reboot

4. Plug in the SecuGen USB fingerprint reader

5. Now you are ready to run the demo programs in the 
    <installdir>/bin/linux directory

6. When running GTK+ applications from the command-line, you may get 
   the following error message:
Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to load module "libcanberra-gtk-module.so": libcanberra-gtk-module.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  $ echo $GTK_MODULES
  $ export GTK-MODULES=

7. Binaries linked with Hamster Plus driver are appended with "_fdu03"

8. Binaries linked with Hamster IV driver are appended with "_fdu04"

9. Binaries linked with Hamster PRO 20 driver are appended with "_fdu05"

10. Binaries linked with Hamster PRO driver are appended with "_fdu06"

11. Configuration for java applications
   libjnisgfplib.so supports only one class of SecuGen device at a time.
   The default configuration is for the SecuGen UPx device.
   Configuration for Hamster Plus
   cd <install_dir>/lib/linux3
   cp libjnisgfplib.so.3.8.0.fdu03_rename libjnisgfplib.so
   make uninstall install

   Configuration for Hamster IV
   cd <install_dir>/lib/linux3
   cp libjnisgfplib.so.3.8.0.fdu04_rename libjnisgfplib.so
   make uninstall install

   Configuration for Hamster PRO 20
   cd <install_dir>/lib/linux3
   cp libjnisgfplib.so.3.8.0.fdu05_rename libjnisgfplib.so
   make uninstall install

   Configuration for Hamster PRO
   cd <install_dir>/lib/linux3
   cp libjnisgfplib.so.3.8.0.fdu06_rename_default libjnisgfplib.so
   make uninstall install

Java development
JDK version 1.6.0_36 or later is required for distributions supporting Java

Bug Fixes/Enhancements
v3.8.0 REV1228 2016-6-30 Added support for NFIQ
                         Addes support for Hamster Pro (HUPx)
v3.7.1 REV883  2015-6-23 Added support for Java in Rasperry Pi/Rasbian JDK1.8
v3.7.1 REV576  2014-3-14 Rebuilt 64bit release using JDK1.6
v3.7.1 REV570  2014-3-7  Release Build
v3.7.0 REV477  2014-1-2  Hamster PRO 20 is now supported
v3.5.6 REV329  2013-2-25 Java now supported
v3.5.5 REV311  2013-2-13 Multiple devices of same class now supported.
                         FDU04 and FDU03 class devices cannot be used
                         concurrently within the same application. Multiple
                         FDU04 class devices can be used concurrently. 
                         Multiple FDU03 class devices can be used concurrently.
                         Fixed null S/N returned for SDU03M and SDU03P
v3.5.4 REV232  2012-09-28 Fixed auto on sample code
v3.5.4 REV219  2012-09-28 Added support for 512KB SDU04P
                         Fixed problem with exposure settings. Image quality is 
v3.5.3 RC1     2012-06-25 Add support for SDU04P, FDU03 and SDU03P
v3.5.3 Beta1   2009-12-10 Initial Release

Building the demo programs
    cd <installdir>/sgfplibtest
    ../bin/linux/sgfplibtest_fdu05 to run the program with Hamster PRO 20
    ../bin/linux/sgfplibtest_fdu04 to run the program with Hamster IV
    ../bin/linux/sgfplibtest_fdu03 to run the program with Hamster Plus
    cd <installdir>/auto_on
    ../bin/linux/auto_on_fdu05 to run the program with Hamster PRO 20
    ../bin/linux/auto_on_fdu04 to run the program with Hamster IV
    ../bin/linux/auto_on_fdu03 to run the program with Hamster Plus
    cd <installdir>/sgd2
    ../bin/linux/sgd2_fdu05 to run the program with Hamster PRO 20
    ../bin/linux/sgd2_fdu04 to run the program with Hamster IV
    ../bin/linux/sgd2_fdu03 to run the program with Hamster Plus
    cd <installdir>/fpmatcher
    ../bin/linux/fpmatcher_fdu05 to run the program with Hamster PRO 20
    ../bin/linux/fpmatcher_fdu04 to run the program with Hamster IV
    ../bin/linux/fpmatcher_fdu03 to run the program with Hamster Plus

Running the Java Samples
    cd <installdir>/java
    .sudo ./run_jsgfplibtest.sh
    cd <installdir>/java    make
    .sudo ./run_jsgd.sh
    cd <installdir>/java
    .sudo ./run_jsgmultidevicetest.sh