
Udagram is a simple cloud application, which is developed while enrollment in the Udacity Nanodegree - Cloud Developer. The main achievement in this project was to refactor a monolith to a microservice based cloud application.

This is achieved by splitting the monolith into 4 parts:

  • Frontend
  • Rest-Api-Feed
  • Rest-Api-User
  • A reverseproxy

Everything is deployed via EKS in AWS.

The subprojects are included in this repositor as submodules. For getting everything to work as excpected locally a .env file is required in each of the repository. In this file it is possible to store your environment variables. You can include such a file in Docker Compse with the parameter --env-file .env.

Udagram-api-frontend Docker Image CI + Push

This project is build using Typescript and the Ionic framework. For more instructions how to start, please look into the repository.

Udagram-api-feed Docker Image CI + Push

Udagram-api-user Docker Image CI + Push

Udagram-reverseproxy Docker Image CI + Push


Creating GitHub Repositories for each of the parts, and dockerize them:

Github Repositories Docker Repositories

Setting up a GitHub Actions CI Pipeline

This part differs a bit of the script, as I am not using TravisCI but Github Actions. This has two main reasons:

  • First in a "real world" implementation each of the microservices would be independent repositories
  • Second these repositories would be wanted to be build at seperate times, because multiple teams are working on these. Additionally TravisCI is requiring a CreditCard as they have a "Freemium" Model. Github Actions are completly free for public repositories.

Sample Action GitCi Frontend GitCi Api-Feed GitCi Api-User GitCi ReverseProxy

Setting up a kubernetes cluster on AWS

Kubernetes pods Kubernetes services

Finished work:


More screenshots can be found in the screenshots folder.