This package is inspired by the package of Jimmy-JS. Thanks Jimmy-JS.
Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf Report on Laravel (Using barryvdh/laravel-dompdf or barryvdh/laravel-snappy) or Excel Report (using Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel)
This package provides a simple pdf & excel report generators to speed up your workflow
Add package to your composer:
composer require samuelterra22/laravel-report-generator
Then, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php
Optionally, you can add this to your aliases array in config/app.php
'PdfReport' => SamuelTerra22\ReportGenerator\Facades\PdfReportFacade::class,
'ExcelReport' => SamuelTerra22\ReportGenerator\Facades\ExcelReportFacade::class,
'CSVReport' => SamuelTerra22\ReportGenerator\Facades\CSVReportFacade::class,
This package is make use of chunk
method (Eloquent / Query Builder) so it can handle big data without memory exhausted.
Also, You can use PdfReport
, ExcelReport
or CSVReport
facade for shorter code that already registered as an alias.
// PdfReport Aliases
use PdfReport;
public function displayReport(Request $request)
// Retrieve any filters
$fromDate = $request->input('from_date');
$toDate = $request->input('to_date');
$sortBy = $request->input('sort_by');
// Report title
$title = 'Registered User Report';
// For displaying filters description on header
$meta = [
'Registered on' => $fromDate . ' To ' . $toDate,
'Sort By' => $sortBy
// Do some querying..
$queryBuilder = User::select([
->whereBetween('registered_at', [
// Set Column to be displayed
$columns = [
'Name' => 'name',
'Registered At',
// if no column_name specified, this will automatically seach for snake_case of column name (will be registered_at) column from query result
'Total Balance' => 'balance',
'Status' => function ($result) { // You can do if statement or any action do you want inside this closure
return ($result->balance > 100000) ? 'Rich Man' : 'Normal Guy';
Generate Report with flexibility to manipulate column class even manipulate column value (using Carbon, etc).
- of() : Init the title, meta (filters description to show), query, column (to be shown)
- editColumn() : To Change column class or manipulate its data for displaying to report
- editColumns(): Mass edit column
- showTotal() : Used to sum all value on specified column on the last table (except using groupBy method). 'point' is a type for displaying total with a thousand separator
- groupBy() : Show total of value on specific group. Used with showTotal() enabled.
- limit() : Limit record to be showed
- make() : Will producing DomPDF / SnappyPdf instance so you could do any other DomPDF / snappyPdf method such as stream() or download()
return PdfReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)
->editColumn('Registered At', [
'displayAs' => function ($result) {
return $result->registered_at->format('d M Y');
->editColumn('Total Balance', [
'displayAs' => function ($result) {
return thousandSeparator($result->balance);
'Total Balance',
], [
'class' => 'right bold'
'Total Balance' => 'point'
// if you want to show dollar sign ($) then use 'Total Balance' => '$'
->stream(); // or download('filename here..') to download pdf
Note: For downloading to excel, just change PdfReport
facade to ExcelReport
facade no more modifications
$columns = [
'Name' => 'name',
'Registered At' => 'registered_at',
'Total Balance' => 'balance',
'Status' => function($result) { // You can do data manipulation, if statement or any action do you want inside this closure
return ($result->balance > 100000) ? 'Rich Man' : 'Normal Guy';
Will produce a same result with:
$columns = [
'Name' => function($result) {
return $result->name;
'Registered At' => function($result) {
return $result->registered_at;
'Total Balance' => function($result) {
return $result->balance;
'Status' => function($result) { // You can do if statement or any action do you want inside this closure
return ($result->balance > 100000) ? 'Rich Man' : 'Normal Guy';
So you can do some eager loading relation like:
$post = Post::with('comment')->where('active', 1);
$columns = [
'Post Title' => function($result) {
return $result->title;
'Slug' => 'slug',
'Top Comment' => function($result) {
return $result->comment->body;
Or, you can total all records by group using groupBy
// ...
// Do some querying..
$queryBuilder = User::select(['name', 'balance', 'registered_at'])
->whereBetween('registered_at', [$fromDate, $toDate])
->orderBy('registered_at', 'ASC'); // You should sort groupBy column to use groupBy() Method
// Set Column to be displayed
$columns = [
'Registered At' => 'registered_at',
'Name' => 'name',
'Total Balance' => 'balance',
'Status' => function($result) { // You can do if statement or any action do you want inside this closure
return ($result->balance > 100000) ? 'Rich Man' : 'Normal Guy';
return PdfReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)
->editColumn('Registered At', [
'displayAs' => function ($result) {
return $result->registered_at->format('d M Y');
->editColumn('Total Balance', [
'class' => 'right bold',
'displayAs' => function ($result) {
return thousandSeparator($result->balance);
->editColumn('Status', [
'class' => 'right bold',
->groupBy('Registered At')
'Total Balance' => 'point'
Supported Media Type: PDF
Description: Set Paper Size
- $paper (Default: 'a4')
PdfReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)
Supported Media Type: PDF, Excel
Description: Set a new custom styles with given selector and style to apply
- Array $styles (Key: $selector, Value: $style)
ExcelReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)
->editColumn('Registered At', [
'class' => 'right bolder italic-red'
'.bolder' => 'font-weight: 800;',
'.italic-red' => 'color: red;font-style: italic;'
Supported Media Type: PDF
Description: Set Orientation to Landscape or Portrait
- $orientation (Default: 'portrait')
PdfReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)
Supported Media Type: PDF, Excel, CSV
Description: Faster generating report, but all columns properties must be matched the selected column from SQL Queries
$queryBuilder = Customer::select(['name', 'age'])->get();
$columns = ['Name', 'Age'];
PdfReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)
Supported Media Type: PDF, Excel, CSV
Description: Show / hide meta attribute on report
- $value (Default: true)
PdfReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)
->showMeta(false) // Hide meta
Supported Media Type: PDF, Excel, CSV
Description: Show / hide column header on report
- $value (Default: true)
PdfReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)
->showHeader(false) // Hide column header