
Volatility Suite of Plugins for analysis of Golang Processes.

Primary LanguagePython

Go Memory Forensics Toolkit

Go is a popular program language used because of its portability and ease of usage. However, in the recent years there has been a 2000% increase of new malware written in Go [1]. Therefore, this toolkit was written to be able to analyze memory dumps for finding golang processes and information that can be used to determine more information about malware.

Created by Samuel Zurowski

Hunting for a Go Process

To do this the plugin linux.go_hunt is utilized. There are two ways to run this plugin. The first manner requires no flags and the second way uses the --regex flag. The reason for this flag is sometimes the buildinfo information could potentially be obfuscated or data may not be loaded by the executable. However, the regex method has a higher chance of false positives. Regex should only be used if structures aren't being parsed properly. So for older versions of golang the structure is slighty different which will enable you to grab that information. Mainly Golang 1.17+ is supported.

The most basic usage of go_hunt for linux:

vol.py -r pretty -f <memory_image> linux.go_hunt 

Searching using specific PIDs:

vol.py -r pretty -f <memory_image> linux.go_hunt --pid [PID [PID ...]]

Using regex. Can be used in conjunction with --pid:

vol.py -r pretty -f <memory_image> linux.go_hunt --regex 

Sample Output:

vol.py -r pretty -f <memory_image> linux.go_hunt
Volatility 3 Framework 2.0.2
Formatting...0.00               PDB scanning finished                          
* | 225632 | leaky |   go1.17.6 |       0x511000

Getting the Golang BuildID

The Golang Build ID is stammped into the elf file. Which is a hash of the inputs to the action that produced the packages or the binary. It also cotains the the content ID which is the hash of the action output namely the archive itself.

The BuildID can also be pulled if you have access the go binary using:

go tool buildid [-w] file

String format of BuildID: actionID(binary)/actionID(main.a)/contentID(main.a)/contentID(binary)

The basic usage of go_build linux plugin:

vol.py -r pretty -f <memory_image> linux.go_build 
Volatility 3 Framework 2.3.0
Formatting...0.00               Stacking attempts finished                 
  |                                                                         Go Build ID | VIRTUAL OFFSET
* | vr1DhtPYsLeabzHtro3k/4XAaSgrEG49cymA9tBh5/K8jR0ruPG13Fz9Sjzw7d/ayqlaSsnLEpjhlQ-itp1 | 0x9379c570d35c
