Install MariaDB Galera Cluster in Kubernetes Cluster


This repository will show you how to install MariaDB Galera cluster in Kubernetes cluster.

Prepare for installation

You need to prepare persistent voluem for your database cluster. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Create directory by issuing command below

    This guide using home directory as persistent volume target folder, you can change path to what you want.

    $ mkdir -p ~/.production/mariadb-galera
  2. Make folder for every mariadb node.

    $ cd mariadb-galera
    $ mkdir node1 node2 node3
  3. Change the owner of directory to 1001

    We only change the owner of mariadb-galera folder but the .production folder.

    # chown -R 1001:1001 mariadb-galera/


  1. Change kubernetes yaml contents and apply it to kubernetes cluster

    Don't forget to change folder path in yaml file.

    $ cp deployment.yaml deployment.production.yaml
    $ vim deployment.production.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f deployment.production.yaml
  2. Apply SELinux policy

    # semodule -i allowregistrypolicy.pp

    If you create your folder in other directory but not your home directory, you need to change mariadbgalerapolicy.te to meet your situation.

    1. Your SELinux type will be shown after you issue ls <YOUR_PATH> -alZ command, the result will be shown between owner and size.

    2. Modify mariadbgalerapolicy.te file, add the type to require section.

    3. Modify container_t section below, change user_home_t into your type.

    4. Issue the commands below:

      If you failed to apply these command, check your te file is using LF but CRLF.

      # checkmodule -M -m -o mariadbgalerapolicy.mod mariadbgalerapolicy.te
      # semodule_package -o mariadbgalerapolicy.pp -m mariadbgalerapolicy.mod
      # semodule -i mariadbgalerapolicy.pp
  3. Install MariaDB Galera by using Helm charts created by Bitnami

    We install this charts to database-system namespace in Kubernetes, you can change it to what you want.

    Change <YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD> to what you want.

    $ helm repo add bitnami
    $ helm install mariadb-galera bitnami/mariadb-galera \
        --namespace database-system --create-namespace \
        --set rootUser.password=<YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD>
  4. Waiting for all nodes up and done. You can connect your database by port forward the 3306 port in Kubernetes cluster service.

Update or Restart cluster

If you don't follow the steps below, the cluster will not be able to start. So please follow the steps carefully.

Before you perform these actions, please MAKE SURE YOU STILL REMEMBER THE ROOT PASSWORD AND BACKUP PASSWORD, if you have forgotten it, please rescue these passwords or the clusters will be not able to start forever.

You should fill the root password and backup password properly, if anyone have no password, the clusters are not able to start.

  1. Remove the Helm chart of MariaDB Galera.

  2. Backup for all of these clusters data folder.

    This is an important step when these steps could lead data loss.

    You can backup these folder in any methods, the easiest way is copy these folders to another path.

  3. Reboot the system.

  4. Wait for all other pods up, you can issue the commands below to restart your database cluster.

    <YOUR_ORIGINAL_ROOT_PASSWORD> is your original root password and <YOUR_ORIGINAL_BACKUP_PASSWORD> is your original backup password.

    You can specify which node to start by changing <NODE_NUMBER> value. The first node is 0 and so on.

    The target namespace of the command is database-system, if this is not where you installed for your database cluster pods, you can change it to your namespace name.

    $ helm install mariadb-galera bitnami/mariadb-galera \
        --set rootUser.password=<YOUR_ORIGINAL_ROOT_PASSWORD> \
        --set galera.mariabackup.password=<YOUR_ORIGINAL_BACKUP_PASSWORD> \
        --set galera.bootstrap.forceBootstrap=true \
        --set galera.bootstrap.bootstrapFromNode=<NODE_NUMBER> \
        --set podManagementPolicy=Parallel \
        --namespace database-system \
  5. Wait for all pods are up, issue the command below to remove the force start.

    $ helm upgrade my-release my-repo/mariadb-galera \
        --set rootUser.password=<YOUR_ORIGINAL_ROOT_PASSWORD> \
        --set galera.mariabackup.password=<YOUR_ORIGINAL_BACKUP_PASSWORD> \
        --set podManagementPolicy=Parallel \
        --namespace database-system \
  6. Done.

Recovery from node restart

Due to some reason, your node has been restarted, Mariadb Galera cluster will be down, you need to follow the steps below to recovery your cluster

In this case we install our cluster in database-system namespace.

  1. Get all pvc names

    $ kubectl get pvc --namespace database-system
  2. Issue the command to verify which node has safe_to_bootstrap=1

    You need to run this command for each pvc name.

    kubectl run -i --rm --tty volpod --overrides='
        "apiVersion": "v1",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "metadata": {
            "name": "volpod"
        "spec": {
            "containers": [{
                "command": [
                "image": "bitnami/minideb",
                "name": "mycontainer",
                "volumeMounts": [{
                    "mountPath": "/mnt",
                    "name": "galeradata"
            "restartPolicy": "Never",
            "volumes": [{
                "name": "galeradata",
                "persistentVolumeClaim": {
                    "claimName": "<YOUR PVC NAME>"
    }' --image="bitnami/minideb" --namespace database-system
  3. Then here you have two scenarios:

    In this case, our repo name is bitnami and chart name is mariadb-galera

    • Only one node with safe_to_bootstrap=1 You can restart your cluster from that node by issuing the command below:

      $ helm install mariadb-galera bitnami/mariadb-galera \
          --namespace database-system \
          --set rootUser.password=<YOUR_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD> \
          --set galera.mariabackup.password=<YOUR_DB_BACKUP_PASSWORD> \
          --set galera.bootstrap.forceBootstrap=true \
          --set galera.bootstrap.bootstrapFromNode=<THE_NODE_NUMBER_YOU_GET_ABOVE> \
          --set podManagementPolicy=Parallel
    • All the nodes with safe_to_bootstrap=0 You need to pick one node to restart the cluster, in this case we choose node 0, you can choose what node you preferred to use.

      $ helm install mariadb-galera bitnami/mariadb-galera \
          --namespace database-system \
          --set rootUser.password=<YOUR_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD> \
          --set galera.mariabackup.password=<YOUR_DB_BACKUP_PASSWORD> \
          --set galera.bootstrap.forceBootstrap=true \
          --set galera.bootstrap.bootstrapFromNode=0 \
          --set galera.bootstrap.forceSafeToBootstrap=true \
          --set podManagementPolicy=Parallel
  4. Wait until all nodes and pods are up, you need to remove force bootstraping

    helm upgrade mariadb-galera bitnami/mariadb-galera \
        --namespace database-system \
        --set rootUser.password=<YOUR_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD> \
        --set galera.mariabackup.password=<YOUR_DB_BACKUP_PASSWORD> \
        --set podManagementPolicy=Parallel
  5. Done.
