
Excercise a Juputer workflow setup

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


An excercise for a workflow in Jupyter. Name refers to the Boston Housing dataset from Sklearn used in the code snippets organized in this excercise.


/notebooks : Contains all notebooks with analyses and high level presentation

/src : Contains modules with code matured out from notebooks and ready for production / reuse

/test : Contains pytest modules for above code in normal unit testing fashion. With ipytest, testing can also be done inside notebooks. The pytest plugin nbval allows for testing of notebooks for integration.

Control files : These contain

  • .gitattributes with changes from nbdime installation for better diff/merge for notebooks
  • .gitignore
  • Pipfile with the asctract requirements without exact versions
  • Pipfile.lock with concrete requirements down to version level so that virtual env can be recreated with pipenv sync --dev
  • setup.py with a definition of the local module ready to be used py pipenv install -e .
  • tasks.py with definitions for the invoke targets


This excercise is based on two blog post from November 2018:

Florian Wilhelm [https://florianwilhelm.info/2018/11/working_efficiently_with_jupyter_lab/]

Christopher Prohm [https://cprohm.de/article/notebooks-and-modules.html]


Pipenv really takes it time to execute. Decision to avoid conda for now.

Nteract not yet tested or explored.

Nbdime needed edits in .git/config for git to function outside pipenv.

Local package refers to project. Change if copying.

Use autoreload to get local module updates into notebook.

No actual tests for the model right now.

Current version of ipytest exposes ipytest.running_as_test.

Invoke task "test" linked to Pipfile and precommit but does not invoke separate linter for now.

Does not use PyScaffold for now.


  • Remote execution
  • Version control from inside lab and other extensions