
Convert assembla tickets to github issues and push those issues to the projects wall in an organization

Primary LanguagePHP

#Assembla to github

This is a small command line tool that leverages github's api v3 and their new experimental issue import api's to migrate tickets from assembla, into github keeping the dates, milestones, departments, comments, and assignees.

To use it simply download or clone the repo and first run composer install to get the required dependencies. Then run the script using

assembla:github assembla-file.bak username access_token reponame -m djOo_iMbKr44kTacwqjQYw:samuraiseoul,c0_SD-nx4r4PHmacwqEsg8:githubname

If you find this no longer works or doesn't work for your needs let me know and we can try to modify it to get what you need, or simply submit a pull request.