
Puppeteer and AWS Lambda for testing

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Lambdoll npm version GPL Licence

Lambdoll is a simple wrapper framework created to make running distributed browser tests using puppeteer in AWS Lambda easy.


When bundling to push to lambda, be sure to do your production npm install with the following environment parameters.


These environment variables tell npm to not download chromium.

This project uses puppeteer which downloads chromium as a dependency. The bundled Chromium is too large for AWS lambda.

The other dependency for this project(chrome-aws-lambda) uses custom compression on a minimal build of chromium that then gets extracted when the lambda function is running.

Getting Started

To include in your project, simply npm install

npm install lambdoll


You will need some code in place for calling the tests as well as reporting.

This test runner simply takes a path to the test to run, so tests to run will also need to be written and included.

Code Example

The tests that need to be written and included will be something like:

import PuppetTest from "../../src/PuppetTest";

export default class ExampleTest extends PuppetTest {
    protected async setup () : Promise<void> {
        await (await this.getPage()).goto("http://www.example.com");
        await (await this.getPage()).waitForSelector("h1", {visible: true, timeout: 10000});

    protected async teardown () : Promise<void> {
        return Promise.resolve();

    protected async test () : Promise<void> {
        const headerText = await (await this.getPage()).evaluate(() : string | null => {
            const header = document.querySelector("h1");
            return header ? header.textContent : null;
        if (!headerText || headerText !== "Example Domain") {
            throw new Error("No header or text incorrect.");

The lambda function you will need to write will look something like this:

import {TestRunner} from "lambdoll";
export async function handler(event) : Promise<Object> {
    // Your environment setup here
    try {
        await TestRunner.runTest(event.testPath, event);
    } catch (exception) {
        // Error reporting here
    // Test Reporting here

Built With


Just fork and open a pull request and we will go from there. If there are a lot of requests I will make a more robust contributing guide.



This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see gnu's site for details
