
Public Java SDK for Pinterest's new API.





  • Construct a new Pinterest SDK
 final Pinterest pinterest = new Pinterest("<INSERT_YOUR_PINTEREST_ACCESS_TOKEN>");

Pin Methods


  • To get a Pin (with all fields) via a Pin ID:
    • Example Pin ID: 525091637782793357 from URL:
final PinResponse pin = pinterest.getPin("<INSERT_PIN_ID>", new PinFields().setAll());
  • To get a Pin with only default fields (URL, note, link, ID) set
final PinResponse pin = pinterest.getPin("<INSERT_PIN_ID>");
  • To get a Pin with only link, created_at, and color set
final PinResponse pin = pinterest.getPin("<INSERT_PIN_ID>", new PinFields().setLink().setCreatedAt().setColor());
  • To get your own Pins (with all fields):
final Pins pins = pinterest.getMyPins(new PinFields().setAll());
pins.forEach(pin -> {System.out.println(pin);});
  • To get all the Pins from a board with default fields
    • Example board name: cdatarank/欲しいもの/ from URL:欲しいもの/
final Pins pins = pinterest.getPinsFromBoard("<INSERT_BOARD_NAME>");
  • To get all the Pins from a board with all fields
final Pins pins = pinterest.getPinsFromBoard("<INSERT_BOARD_NAME>", new PinFields().setAll());
  • Paging through Pin responses
Pins pins = pinterest.getPinsFromBoard(BOARD_NAME);
while (pins.getNextPage() != null) {
    pins = pinterest.getNextPageOfPins(pins.getNextPage());


All you need is the Pin ID and an access token with write access to the Pin question. This method returns true if the Pin was successfully deleted; false otherwise.

final boolean deleted = pinterest.deletePin("<INSERT_PIN_ID>");

Board Methods


  • To get info about a particular Board with default fields:
  • Example Board name: cdatarank/欲しいもの from URL:欲しいもの/
final BoardResponse boardResponse = pinterest.getBoard("<INSERT_BOARD_NAME>");
final Board board = boardResponse.getBoard();
  • To get info about a particular Board with all fields:
final BoardResponse boardResponse = pinterest.getBoard("<INSERT_BOARD_NAME>", new BoardFields().setAll());
final Board board = boardResponse.getBoard();

... more to come soon. (non-GET endpoints are currently in construction)


Found a bug? Have a suggestion? Feel free to send me PR or make an issue on the repo!


To run the integration tests, put your Pinterest access token in the root of this directory in a file called .access_token.