
Slack bot with sci-fi themes.

Primary LanguageJava


A slack bot made to remind you of the important things in life.

Commands (can omit @starbot if in direct message)

  • @starbot help
    • Displays this readme file.
  • @starbot pug bomb
    • Selects a pug image from google images
  • @starbot pug bomb {n}
    • Selects {n} number of pug images from google images
  • @starbot corgi bomb
    • Selects a corgi image from google images
  • @starbot corgi bomb {n}
    • Selects {n} number of corgi images from google images
  • @starbot xkcd
    • Selects the most recent xkcd comic with it's title attribute
  • @starbot xkcd random
    • Selects a random xkcd comic with it's title attribute
  • @starbot image me {query}
    • Searches google images for images matching that query and returns a random result from the first page
  • @starbot translate {sourceLanguage} {targetLanguage} {text to translate}
    • Uses google translate to translate language from one langauge to the other
  • @starbot puppet
    • Starbot says the message in the specified channel (only works in direct messages)

##Word Mentions

  • indeed
    • Any messages in a channel where slackbot is present and someone says the word indeed, causes a gif of Teal'c from Stargate SG-1 saying "Indeed" to appear
  • faith/disturbing
    • Any message in a channel where slackbot is present and someone uses the word faith or disturbing, a gif of vader saying "I find your lack of faith disturbing." will be displayed