Source code for the paper "Gradient Step Denoiser for convergent Plug-and-Play"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Gradient Step Denoiser for convergent Plug-and-Play

Code for the paper "Gradient Step Denoiser for convergent Plug-and-Play" published at ICLR 2022.


Samuel Hurault, Arthur Leclaire, Nicolas Papadakis.
Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, France.


The code was computed with Python 3.8.10, PyTorch Lightning 1.2.6, PyTorch 1.7.1

pip install -r requirements.txt

Gradient Step Denoiser (GS-DRUNet)

The code relative to the Gradient Step Denoiser can be found in the GS_denoising directory.


cd GS_denoising
python main_train.py --name experiment_name --log_folder logs

Checkpoints, tensorboard events and hyperparameters will be saved in the GS_denoising/logs/experiment_name subfolder.

For denoising grayscale images, add the argument --grayscale


cd PnP_restoration
python denoise.py --image_path IMAGE_PATH --noise_level_img NOISE_LEVEL
  • For denoising a set of (clean) images. Place your images in directory datasets/DATASET_NAME
cd PnP_restoration
python denoise.py --dataset_name DATASET_NAME

Datasets CBSD68, CBSD10, set3c are already present in the directory. Default value is CBSD10.

Gradient Step PnP (GS-PnP)


cd PnP_restoration
python deblur.py --image_path IMAGE_PATH --kernel_path KERNEL_PATH --noise_level_img NOISE_LEVEL

By default, without specifying --kernel_path , deblurring will be performed on the 10 kernels evaluated in the paper. You can specify --kernel_index to choose a specific kernel in this list.

You can also specify --dataset_name to treat a set of images places in in directory datasets/DATASET_NAME

Add the argument --extract_curves the save convergence curves.


For performing super-resolution of the input image IMAGE_PATH, downscaled with scale sf, Gaussian noise level NOISE_LEVEL (int $\in [0,255]$)

cd PnP_restoration
python SR.py --noise_level_img NOISE_LEVEL --sf 2

By default, without specifying --kernel_path , deblurring will be performed on the 8 kernels evaluated in the paper. You can specify --kernel_index to choose a specific kernel in this list.

You can also specify --dataset_name to treat a set of images places in in directory datasets/DATASET_NAME

Add the argument --extract_curves the save convergence curves.


Inpainting with randomly masked pixels (with probability prop_mask = 0.5) :

cd PnP_restoration
python inpaint.py --prop_mask 0.5

Add the argument --extract_curves the save convergence curves.


This repo contains parts of code taken from :


title={Gradient Step Denoiser for convergent Plug-and-Play},
author={Samuel Hurault and Arthur Leclaire and Nicolas Papadakis},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},