Self-Supervised Small Soccer Player Detection and Tracking

Code for the paper "Self-Supervised Small Soccer Player Detection and Tracking", published at 3rd International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports 2020. Content will be soon available.

Link of the video presentation :

This work contains code or parts of code taken from the following github repositories :


  • Set up a Python3 environment. The code has been developed in python 3.7.
  • Install packages given in requirement.txt


Download data

  • Download evaluation datasets (frames and annotations) "issia" / "SPD" / "TV_soccer" at this google drive link and extract them in the data folder.

Player detection

Download the player detection models and extract them in the checkpoints_runs folder

Run the following command

mkdir data/intermediate

The script enables to get the mAP score of the model on the dataset of your choice and to save the images along with detected player boxes. To save the images use the option '--save_visualization'. Images will be saved in the folder 'script/detection/results'

  • The command below gives an exemple to evaluate and visualize detection with the Resnet50 teacher model on the TV_soccer evauation dataset.
cd script/detection
python --backbone resnet50 --test_dataset_name TV_soccer --save_visualization --checkpoint ../../checkpoints_runs/player_det_resnet50_teacher.pth

  • The command below gives an exemple to evaluate and visualize detection with the Resnet18 student model on the SPD evauation dataset.
cd script/detection
python --backbone resnet18 --test_dataset_name SPD --save_visualization --checkpoint ../../checkpoints_runs/player_det_resnet18_student.pth
  • In order down-scale (and pad) images by a certain factor to work with smaller player, use the command '--scale_transform_test factor'

Player tracking

The code for tracking is based on the LightTrack code.

  • First clone the LightTrack repository in 'script/other_utils'
  • Change the visualizer code of the LightTrack code with the visualizer folder given in 'my_utils' :
cd script
cp -r my_utils/visualizer other_utils/lighttrack/
  • Realize tracking on the dataset of your choice. Only the ISSIA evaluation dataset contains tracking ground-truth information. Use the argument --use_GT_position is order to realize tracking on ground-truth player position data. Without this flag, the code will use the detection model decribed above.
python main_tracking --data_name issia --visualize --write_video --output_path ../../results


Player detection

Download data

Download the training dataset "SoccerNet" frames at this google drive link and extract it a data/SoccerNet subfolder. We extracted our SoccerNet training images in 2445 sequences of 125 frames. The data folder must look like this :

│   └───frames
|       └───0
│          | frame_0.jpg
│          | frame_1.jpg
│          | frame_2.jpg
|          ...
|       └───1
│          | frame_0.jpg
│          | frame_1.jpg
│          | frame_2.jpg
|          ...
|       ...

Automatic self-labeling of the training image with the teacher network

The code for automatic self-labeling of training data is given in script/automatic_annotation. This process is very long to run on the full SoccerNet dataset. If you want to avoid it, you can skip this part, and we will directly give the output annotation data in the next part.

If you are interesting in this annotation process, you can also try it and evaluate it on the evaluation datasets. To do so :

  • Clone the lighttrack repository in script/other_utils/. And download the corresponding model.
cd script/other_utils
git clone
bash ./
  • Download the GAN pix2pix line detection model at google drive link and extract it in checkpoints_runs.
  • The command below gives an exemple to evaluate the annotation process on the TV_soccer dataset.
cd script/automatic_annotation
python --data_name TV_soccer

Note that field detection and player detection is runned once and for all and saved for each dataset, the second time you call the code in a dataset, with the same hyper-parameters, field detection and player detection will not be computed again.

  • The command below enables to extract annotations on the non-annotated SoccerNet training data.
cd script/automatic_annotation
python --data_name SoccerNet --create_data

Fine-tuning of the teacher network

  • We give the result of this previous automatic annotation in this google drive link in the file "annoration_r1.tar.xz". Extract it in the data/SoccerNet subfolder. The structure of the annotation folder mirrors the one of the frame folder.

Training of the student network

Player Tracking