
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Shout Out - Hack For Colorado

Getting Started

Clone & Init Gitmodules

First clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:cScarlson/hackCO hackCO
cd !$

We're using a gitmodule for NDN.js - so you'll need to init this with:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Then, when there are upstream changes to the NDN module, you'll need to update again:

git submodule update

Install CCNx

You'll need to install CCNx. Here's the official docs.

There are also a ton of resources that can be found at the Nei.ghbor.Net Ground repo.

If you're on OSX, this should be simple with brew.

brew install https://raw.github.com/dcunited001/homebrew/dc/ccn-keggar/Library/Formula/ccnx.rb

Note about ccngetfile and ccnputfile

If you have problems where these or other javasrc/ binaries are missing, you may need to build from source and call sudo make install.

If you're on Linux, check out the official install guide.

Basically, check out the list of dependencies and make sure you have them all. Use your package manager to download the ones you need, then download the CCNx source tarball. Then build from source and make sure the binaries end up in your path.

Install Node/NPM


brew install node

Verify with:

node --version
npm --version

Install Node Foreman

Using NPM:

npm install -g foreman

Now copy Procfile.example & .env.example

cp Profile.example Procfile
cp .env.example .env

Alchemy API App

Set up with:

BUNDLE_GEMFILE=relay-alchemy/Gemfile bundle install

Run with Foreman or with Unicorn:

BUNDLE_GEMFILE=relay-alchemy/Gemfile bundle exec unicorn alchemy.ru

Run CCNx & Node Server

Using Foreman:

nf start

Or run scripts in background:

node app.js

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