
Hide App Windows in KWin (Mirror)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

KWin Hide App Windows

A KWin script that emulates the behavior of other desktop environments that hide an application's windows with Ctrl/Meta+H.

Since there doesn't appear to be a concept of "hiding" applications in KWin, all of an application's active windows are minimized.

This script tracks which windows you've minimized with the script itself so that restoring "hidden" apps don't restore windows you've manually minimized yourself.


The script will bind to Meta+H by default.

A few ways to install:

  1. Download and install the latest kwinscript archive from this repo and install from the KWin Scripts settings module in KDE.
  2. Build the kwinscript archive yourself with ./release.sh.
  3. Symlink this directory to ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts


  • Add an option to restrict hiding to/across activities
  • Restack restored windows to the front