
A live demo how to use GAE Standard environment.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a demo application of Google AppEngine for the meetup of Google Cloud Platform User Group Hong Kong on 30-Nov-2017.

The intention of this application is to demonstrate how to build a toy application on AppEngine standard environment in step-to-step manner.


You need to install the Google Cloud SDK first. Then after proper configuration, you can run the command gcloud app deploy app.yaml to deploy to GAE.

Besides, the code is written in Python2.7. And pip is needed to install the required python library. I test and run the code in MacOS. I have no idea how to set up the development server on Windows. But for Linux user, there should be no technical difficulty at all.


Each step is in differnt git branch

  1. master branch - The starting point. Basically, it is the sample code Google gave me when I start this project a few days ago (around 2017-11-28)
  2. features/add-html - Add jinja2 support. Demo how to use built-in library
  3. features/add-js-css - Add static assets. Demo how to leverage Google's CDN... Well basically just a few lines of config in app.yaml.
  4. features/add-api - Add API endpoints. The API is built with Flask-restplus. It kind of demonstrates that you can use different frameworks in one single GAE project.
  5. features/add-ndb - Use ndb to store the IG user info.
  6. features/fetch-from-ig - demo how to use urlfetch library from Google. You can use it to call 3rd party APIs like FB graph...
  7. features/memcache-homepage - demo how to use memcache to store hardly fetched IG homepage...
  8. features/add-gcs - demo how to store images or whatever file with Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
  9. features/add-tq - demo how to use task queue to do a bunch of tasks in the background.
  10. features/add-cron-fetch - demo how to use cron.yaml to define a cronjob in appengine.