
The goal of this project is to understand the effect of a diverse, inclusive group of contributors on open source software development by analyzing open source project timelines and contributors.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Diversity and Open Source Software Sustainability


Welcome to the Diversity and Open Source Software Sustainability Project (DOSSS)!

About the Project

There are very few women and minorities contributing to open source software development. Does this affect software success and sustainability? The goal of this project is to work with open source contributors and scientists to understand the effects of a diverse, inclusive group of contributors on open source software development, so open source projects and project leads can improve their communities and build robust software..

There will be two parts to the project: investigating the lifecycle of open source software and the number of diverse contributors to the software. Exploring the intersection of these two elements will offer insight into what makes open source software sustainable (or not) in the long run, and the nature of the role an inclusive community plays in that sustainability. This will be done using github archive data.

Open Leadership and an openness can help address this problem by helping to define and measure (as best we can) elements such as 'diversity' and 'sustainability'. Are these the best ways to understand the open source community and project success? Input from a wide range of contributors will create a well-rounded understanding of these issues.

Open Goals

My personal goals include designing, building and empowering for others. I hope to solicit ideas and improve my value exchanges with the OL and github community, to foster mutual connections and a positive community. Opening up the project at the design phase will help me work on this, and will also create the best possible version of the project.

Open Canvas

Below I have an open canvas plan for my project:



See the project road map and goals here:
