
Google client code for SWI-Prolog version 7

Primary LanguageProlog

My version of this is in the file demo/oauth.pl

Use server. To run the code, you need to have a local copy of the client secrets json file and have your google app set up correctly.

Use google chrome and browse localhost:5000 and show the javascript console to see the token.

SWI-Prolog code for "Login with Google"

This pack deals with "Login With Google" using OpenID Connect (OAuth 2.0 for Login). The code is partially based on pl-oauth2client-for-google

To run the code

  1. Follow these steps to create a Google project and get

    • A client ID
    • A client secret
    • Register a redirect url. To test from localhost, this should be http://localhost:3040/oauth2/auth_redirect
  2. Edit demo/test.pl, fill in the client id and client secret. Start Prolog with demo/test.pl and run the command below to start the server.

    ?- server.
  3. Go to http://localhost:3040 and hit the button. After logging in this should show a Prolog dict holding the Google profile information.


Requires SWI-Prolog 7.1.30 or later (to be released, use version from GIT or nightly builds for Windows