
Amazon Alexa and Prolog

Primary LanguageProlog

Prolexa: Amazon Alexa and Prolog integration

Test the server

curl -v POST http://localhost:5000/alexa -d @testjson --header "Content-Type: application/json"
curl -v POST https://sheltered-shelf-90689.herokuapp.com/alexa -d @testjson --header "Content-Type: application/json"

Heroku workflow

Initial setup


  • Docker app running in the background
  • Installed Heroku CLI (brew install heroku/brew/heroku)

To see the status of your Heroku webapp use

heroku logs

in prolexa directory.

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone git@github.com:So-Cool/prolexa.git
    cd prolexa
  2. Login to Heroku

    heroku login
  3. Add Heroku remote

    heroku git:remote -a prolexa

Development workflow

  1. Before you start open your local copy of Prolexa and login to Heroku

    cd prolexa
    heroku container:login
  2. Change local files to your liking

  3. Once you're done push them to Heroku

    heroku container:push web
  4. Test your skill and repeat steps 2. and 3. if necessary

  5. Once you're done commit all the changes and push them to GitHub

    git commit -am "My commit message"
    git push origin master