Generator Videos

BY : Samy Abdallah & Matthieu Colliaux

The project objective was to create a generator of video from a textual specification VideoGen.


This project allowed us to use in concrete way the engineering models by performing a grammar, metamodels and transformations. We became aware of the possibilities offered by the engineering models especially when developing the playlist metamodel(playList.ecore), which has allowed us to create a playlist without any disctinction of variants videos (mandatory, optional, alternative).


Xtext project : "videogen/Videogen.xtext" Definition of the grammar for generator videos DSL.

Xtend : "transformation/transformation.xtend" The xtend file contain all transformations (model-to-text, model-tomodel..)

Ecore/EMF :

  • "videogen/Videogen.ecore"
  • "playlistgen/PlayList.ecore"

Metamodelisation with Ecore. Metamodels will allow to properly express videogens instances or playlists instances.

FFmpeg : Cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.

Flowplayer: Flash video player, for reading the playlist created(.m3u8).

VLC Media Player, for reading videos (.mp4,.ts) and the playlist created.

Content repository

  • Xtext project with a grammar
  • Metamodels Ecore
  • Java code generate from Metamodels
  • Xtend project with transformations
  • A Videogen specification (videogen.mydsl)
  • Videos folder with all videos present in the Videogen specification.
  • A folder with the video player : Flowplayer
  • A screencast of demonstration

How to use the generator ?

  • Import the project in your IDE
  • !Important! the folders "/videosts" and "/vignettes" have to be empty before any executions
  • Run /transformation/transformation.xtend
  • To create only a playlist in .m3u8 (extended format):
    • comment all main's instructions except :
var transformation = new Transformation()
var videoGen =transformation.VideoGenerator(URI.createURI("videogen.mydsl"))
var playlist = transformation.VideotoPlayList(videoGen)

  • Run transformation.xtend
  • What we get : - A playlist with videos randomly generated : transformation/playlistflow.m3u8 - thumbnails of videos created in videos/vignettes/ - converted videos in ".ts" in videos/videosts/ - Generate an HTML page with flowplayer
  • You can read the playlist generated with VLC

Also, you can watch the screencast. Enjoy