A Simple MEAN.js E-Commerce Application
- Angular-Cli: 8.3.27
- Typescript: 3.5.3
- Node: 11.15.0
- bootstrap: 4.5.0
- Angular Material: 8.2.3
- ngx-translate: 12.1.2
- ngx-toaster: 11.3.3
- Node: 12.16.2
- body-parser: 1.19.0
- express: 4.17.1
- mongoose: 5.9.22
- morgan: 1.10.0 - For logging HTTP requests
- Home page with list of products.
- Add items to Cart.
- Hover over cart icon to view items in the cart.
- Each item in cart will have a subtotal and grand total. On clicking checkout a mock of successful order is shown.
- Cart icon show a badge with number of items in cart.
- Mark items as Favorite.
- Hover over Favorite icon to view wish list in a popover.
- Clicking on links in footer will show route change and dummy pages.
- Translation support is added for localization/Internationalization.
- Toaster is added to let user know state of the action performed.
- 'Quantity' key is considered as max number of quantity a product can be added to cart. A info toaster will be shown when it exceeds the limit and the product will not be added to cart.
- State is maintained after the refresh.
Inventory Management with modules - Store, Products, Orders
Store module :- * Endpoint : /stores * method:
* Operations: Add, Fetch all, Remove Store -
Products module :- * Endpoint : /products * method:
* Operations: Add, Fetch all, Fetch One, Update, Remove Product -
Orders module :- * Endpoint : /orders * method:
* Operations: Create , Fetch all, Fetch One, Cancel Order -
All the operations can be done by using API from this Postman collection
Added products can be viewed in Frontend Application ngCart developed using Angular. Features available are listed in Repo of ngCart
Note: Product is fetched by making actual api call to endpoint
and the placing orders are just a mock in Frontend App
Navigate to
environment.ts | environment.prod.ts
accordingly -
Change the value of the server to instance uri of backend application
- To run the backend app locally, clone the node.js app from repo and follow the steps from Readme.md
Sample server value in
fileexport const environment = { production: false, server: "http://localhost:3000" };
- To connect to backend app hoisted in glitch online server (http://ngshop.glitch.me/products)
Sample server value in
fileexport const environment = { production: false, server: "https://ngShop.glitch.me" };
MongoDB Hoisted in MongoDB Atlas
- Connect to Application URI -(mongodb+srv://ngShop:ngShop@ngshop.0h5cq.mongodb.net/ngShop?retryWrites=true&w=majority)
- Connect using Mongodb compass - (mongodb+srv://ngShop:ngShop@ngshop.0h5cq.mongodb.net/test)
- Connect with Mongo Shell - (mongo "mongodb+srv://ngshop.0h5cq.mongodb.net/" --username ngShop)
Config.json is used to provide db connection details
Sample Connection details for local db instance
"env": {
"remoteDb": false,
"dbHost": "",
"dbUserName": "",
"dbPassword": ""
Sample Connection details for remote db instance
"env": {
"remoteDb": true,
"dbHost": "@ngshop.0h5cq.mongodb.net/ngShop?retryWrites=true&w=majority",
"dbUserName": "ngShop",
"dbPassword": "ngShop"
- Navigate to project base folder in your local system and Run
npm install
. npm start
to start the angular and node.js application. This will start the angular application on port 4200 and node.js application on port 3000
# Note: Demo instance is connected to node.js app hoisted in (http://ngshop.glitch.me) and MongoDb hoisted in MongoDB atlas.
There will be a initial load time for the server to start in the hoisted environment. As it will be shut down due to inactivity. Angular app will be showing the spinner