A Simple MEAN.js E-Commerce Application (Repo for Node + Express backend source code)
- Node: 12.16.2
- body-parser: 1.19.0
- express: 4.17.1
- mongoose: 5.9.22
- morgan: 1.10.0 - For logging HTTP requests
Inventory Management with modules - Store, Products, Orders
Store module :- * Endpoint : /stores * method:
* Operations: Add, Fetch all, Remove Store -
Products module :- * Endpoint : /products * method:
* Operations: Add, Fetch all, Fetch One, Update, Remove Product -
Orders module :- * Endpoint : /orders * method:
* Operations: Create , Fetch all, Fetch One, Cancel Order -
All the operations can be done by using API from this Postman collection
Added products can be viewed in Frontend Application ngCart developed using Angular. Features available are listed in Repo of ngCart Note: Product is fetched by making actual api call to endpoint
and the placing orders are just a mock in Frontend App
MongoDB Hoisted in MongoDB Atlas
- Connect to Application URI -(mongodb+srv://ngShop:ngShop@ngshop.0h5cq.mongodb.net/ngShop?retryWrites=true&w=majority)
- Connect using Mongodb compass - (mongodb+srv://ngShop:ngShop@ngshop.0h5cq.mongodb.net/test)
- Connect with Mongo Shell - (mongo "mongodb+srv://ngshop.0h5cq.mongodb.net/" --username ngShop)
Config.json is used to provide db connection details
<project folder>\server\config\config.json
Sample Connection details for local db instance
"env": {
"remoteDb": false,
"dbHost": "",
"dbUserName": "",
"dbPassword": ""
Sample Connection details for remote db instance
"env": {
"remoteDb": true,
"dbHost": "@meanTodo.0h5cq.mongodb.net/meanTodo?retryWrites=true&w=majority",
"dbUserName": "meanTodo",
"dbPassword": "meanTodo"
- Navigate to
and Runnpm install
. - Run
npm run serve
for a dev server using nodemon or Runnpm run start
. Navigate tohttp://localhost:3000/