
feature-rich, multi-database interfacing, multi-connection, colorful console-based SQL client

Primary LanguagePerl

sql++ 0.16 -- http://samy.pl/sql++
by Samy Kamkar [code@samy.pl]

sql++ is an easily configurable, feature-rich, portable
command-line SQL tool.  It can be used in place of other
command-line tools such as MySQL's mysql-client,
PostgreSQL's psql, and Oracle's sqlplus. It has features
such as multiple connections, multi-database interfacing,
subselects for all databases, regardless of whether the
database has native subselects or not, and much more.

sql++ supports most SQL databases (as well as a few non-DBs),
tested ones including:
 MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, IBM DB2, Sybase, CSVs and Excel spreadsheets

and untested ones:
 Adabas, DBMaker, Fulcrum, Illustra, Informix,
 Ingres, InterBase, JDBC, LDAP, ODBC (Access, etc.),
 Ovrimos, Empress, PrimeBase, Solid, Unify, XBase,
 and SearchServer

Not all are fully supported (yet), but they can be added easily.
If one of these is not working for you, please contact me
(info at bottom) and I will get it implemented ASAP.

If sql++ is lacking support for a database type that you
don't see listed here and you would like it,
please let me know!

  Required modules:
    Term::ReadLine::Gnu on *NIX, Term::ReadLine::Perl on Win32 (this will be installed as 'Term::ReadLine')

  To install sql++, run:
    perl install.pl

  This will check for the required modules.  It will then
  tell you what available database drivers you have.

  If you are missing any of the required modules, it will attempt
  to install them for you if you allow it.  If you wish to install
  the modules yourself, get them from CPAN (http://search.cpan.org)
  and install them.  You can return to the installation later.

  If you wish to use sql++ with other databases that install.pl
  did not say you had a driver for, continue with the installation
  and you can choose to install any from a larger list it will give you.

  If the database you want to use is not in the list at all,
  check http://search.cpan.org for the database name.  If you come
  up with a DBD::database_name module, download it and follow the
  instructions to install it.

  If you have any problems, please email me at code@samy.pl.

  To get detailed information on functions implemented in sql++,
  type "help" and "morehelp" at the sql++ command line.

sql++ commands:
help            (\h)    Display this help.
morehelp        (\M)    Display more help on macros, subselects, multiple connections,
                        importing files to fields, delimited imports, and exports.
%macros                 Type 'morehelp' for help on this.
?               (\?)    Synonym for `help'.
/               (\/)    Executes last statement or last edited statement.
!               (\!)    Execute [command] in your shell and return the output.
chdir           (\cd)   Change the current working directory.
conn            (\c)    Execute, on database handle number [handle], the [statement].
                        Type 'morehelp' for help on this.
connect         (\r)    Create an additional connection to a database.  Arguments
                        are the same as on the command line.  Type 'connect' for usage.
                        Type 'morehelp' for help on this.
\d [NAME]               PostgreSQL - describe table, index, sequence, or view.
                        (add "+" for more detail)
\d{t|i|s|v|S} [PATTERN] PostgreSQL - list tables/indexes/sequences/views/system tables.
                        (add "+" for more detail)
\da [PATTERN]           PostgreSQL - list aggregate functions.
\dd [PATTERN]           PostgreSQL - show comment for object.
\dD [PATTERN]           PostgreSQL - list domains.
\df [PATTERN]           PostgreSQL - list functions. (add "+" for more detail)
\do [NAME]              PostgreSQL - list operators.
\dp [PATTERN]           PostgreSQL - list table access privileges.
\dT [PATTERN]           PostgreSQL - list data types. (add "+" for more detail)
\du [PATTERN]           PostgreSQL - list users.
disconnect      (\D)    Disconnect [db handle #].
edit            (\e)    Edit last command, or [file], with $EDITOR.
exit            (\q)    Exit sql++. Same as 'quit'.
export          (\E)    Export data (append) into [file] with [delimiter]
                        from [statement].  Type 'morehelp' for help on this.
import          (\i)    Import data from [file] with [delimiter] into place-holders
                        in [statement] (? = place-holder, ?? = variable # of place-holders)
                        Type 'morehelp' for help on this.
importfile()            Type 'morehelp' for help on this.
\list           (\l)    PostgreSQL - list databases.
notee           (\t)    Don't write into outfile.  Same as 'spool off'.
oexport         (\O)    Export data (overwrite) into [file] with [delimiter]
                        from [statement].
quit            (\q)    Quit sql++.
reconnect       (\R)    Reconnect to the main database or [db handle #].
rehash          (\#)    Rebuild completion hash.
subsel()                Type 'morehelp' for help on this.   
tee             (\T)    Set outfile [to_outfile]. Append everything into given outfile.
                        Same as 'spool'.
use             (\u)    Use another database. Takes database name as argument.
\z                      PostgreSQL - list table access permissions. (same as \dp)

macros -- subselects -- exports -- imports -- multiple connections:
%name = <statment with placeholders>;
                        Sets '%name' to the statement.  To specify a place-holder, use a
                        question mark (?).  e.g.,
                          %name = SELECT * FROM my_tbl WHERE name = ? OR id = ?;

%name('data', 123);     Executes '%name' and replaces the two
                        place-holders with 'data' and 123.  You must add the same number of
                        values to the macro arguments list as there are place-holders.  You can
                        see the number of place-holders and statement of a macro by <Tab>ing a
                        few times while completing the macro name.

subsel(<statement>)     Executes <statement>, loops through each row returned and executes the
                        statement which subsel() is nested inside of with the data returned
                        from the row.  e.g.,
                          SELECT * FROM my_tbl WHERE id = subsel(SELECT id FROM other_tbl);

importfile("filename")  Inserts the contents of "filename" into the SQL statement.  Useful for
                        inserting data into BLOBs, LONGs, etc.  e.g.,
                          INSERT INTO my_tbl(blobfield) VALUES(importfile("/etc/passwd"));

importfile(-)		Allows you to import data from STDIN rather than a file.

export/export <filename> <'delimiter'> <statement>;
export  file.txt ',' SELECT * FROM tbl;
oexport file.txt ',' SELECT * FROM tbl;
                        Exports all fields (delimited by ',') and rows from tbl into file.txt.
                        'export' appends to file.txt, 'oexport' overwrites file.txt.  All data
                        will be encapsulated in ""s and actual double-quotes in data will be escaped.

import <filename> <'delimiter'> [field#1, field#2, ...] <statement>;
import file.txt ',' INSERT INTO tbl(a, b, c, d)             VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);
import file.txt ',' INSERT INTO tbl(a, b, c, d)             VALUES(??);
import file.txt ',' 3, 2, 1, 0, INSERT INTO tbl(d, c, b, a) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);
                        All do the same thing, assuming there are 4 comma-delimited fields per row
                        in file.txt.  The third import statement reverses the order of the
                        place-holders based off of the numbers.  The numbers represent the field
                        value number (minus one) in the delimited text file.  e.g.,
                          import file.txt ',' 3 SELECT ?;
                        will select the fourth (0 = first, 1 = second, etc.) field in file.txt.
                        A '??' is a variable-number place-holder.  You can use one '??' with as
                        many '?'s as you wish.  e.g.,
                          import file.txt ',' SELECT 'a', ?, 'c', ??, 'g', ?;
                        If file.txt has a row with 'b,d,e,f,h', the output of the select will be
                        a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h.

import - '' UPDATE table SET field = "foo" WHERE other = ?;
import - '' SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ?;
			You can use import to read from STDIN (-).  Reading from STDIN makes it
			easy to do multiple queries reading in different values, quickly.

connect [usage options] <database>
connect -t oracle -u username -p oradb
                        Creates a new database handle/connection and returns the handle number.
                        You can use the 'conn' command to execute a statement on that handle.

conn [db handle #] <statement>
conn 1 SELECT * from ora_table;
                        Executes a statement on a database handle.  The database handle number
                        created at startup is 0.  You can interface multiple connections with
                        each other using the subsel() function and conn.  e.g.,
                          SELECT * FROM my_tbl WHERE id = subsel(conn 1 SELECT id FROM ora_tbl);
                        same as
                          conn 0 SELECT * FROM my_tbl WHERE id = subsel(conn 1 SELECT id FROM ora_tbl);

disconnect <db handle #>
                        Disconnects from specified database handle.

reconnect [db handle #]
                        Reconnects to database handle, if specified.  Otherwise, reconnects from
                        default database.

Some other features of sql++:
1.  Support for a lot of different SQL databases, as
    stated above.

2.  Shell-type enhancements, such as a history buffer,
    moving through a query/line with CTRL keys, etc.
    Example, CTRL+A to move to the beginning of a line,
    CTRL+E to move to the end, arrow keys to control
    placement, etc.

3.  Easily configurable via sql++ or the .sql++config file.
    Examples of configurable options are changing the way
    the output tables of selects/descs/etc look like.
    By default they are similar to the output that mysql
    has, but if you prefer something more compressed with
    less seperators, you could go for something like how
    sqlplus displays tables.  To change it, you would run,
    in sql++ OR change these 5 lines in your .sql++config:
     $LINE1 = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' '];
     $DATA1 = [' ', ' ', ' '];
     $LINE2 = [' ', ' ', '-', ' '];
     $DATA2 = [' ', ' ', ' '];
     $LINE3 = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' '];
    If you wish to change back to mysql-type tables:
     $LINE1 = ['+', '+', '-', '+'];
     $DATA1 = ['|', '|', '|'];
     $LINE2 = ['+', '+', '-', '+'];
     $DATA2 = ['|', '|', '|'];
     $LINE3 = ['+', '+', '-', '+'];
    Configuration is saved on exit of sql++.  Changes are in
    effect immidiately, or when you run sql++, if you happened
    to change the config file directly.

4.  Pausing queries using CTRL+C.

5.  Other stuff I didn't mention because I forgot.

Any bugs?  Contact me!

Questions?  Comments?  Want feature additions?
Feel free to contact me, Samy Kamkar, at code@samy.pl
sql++ is available from http://samy.pl/sql++