
Consume crystal upon ability usage

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Maybe the crystal bar would be like "stamina" each spell has a different cost.

Then there would be different crystals. Imagina for now, 4 crystal types: Air, Fire, Earth, Water
Then, each crystal has like 4 categories: Movement, Attack, Defense, Combo/Whatever


  • You can find each one of this crystals in their corresponding island, however you can only use their power after you defeat the boss
    --- OR ---
  • You can use the crystals you found in the isles to help to defeat the boss in that isle, and after that the crystals gain extra power.

You can find the crystal solving puzzles, exploring the environment, etc.
The player can select 4 different crystals, and can set one to be active. Crystals will give some passive status, but the active will be the true power.