hello, there's two things here so. bear with documentation for now, will separate dashboard and framework one the bois are readeh






Bubble chart demo code Bubble Live

2022 FW Update notes for Oyutreach + Timetracker Extension

Find and replace : offset-DIR-VALUE => offset-VALUE-DIR

Backlog/minor @TODO: cleanup helper classes & consolidate to .disabled so the fw is not a jumbo fuck of things *-disabled @TODO: cleanup overspecificity

2021/Outreach Tool Notes

  • As of app-outreach, all pertinent components will now be placed inside the app's folder

  • app-outreach uses the updated version of the framework scripts that allows modular setup (rollup,webpack etc.). changed attributers have been documented

  • NOTE: [data-toggle*] attributes are restructured to allow multiple component toggles if needed (tooltip-hover + modal for example) These changes are also reflected in the documentation data-toggle="accordion" => data-toggle-accordion data-toggle="dropdown" => data-toggle-dropdown data-toggle="tooltip-click" => data-toggle-tooltip-click data-toggle="tooltip-hover" => data-toggle-tooltip-hover data-toggle="accordion" => data-toggle-accordion

  • Syntax of board and modal components are merged and rely on a mode to render proper modal ui. These changes are also reflected in the documentation

    • attribute settings:

      • data-board-title,data-modal-title => data-modal-title
    • attribute toggle modes:

      • data-toggle="modal" => data-toggle-modal-default
      • data-toggle="board" => data-toggle-modal-board
    • modal class helpers:

      • .modal => .modal.modal-default
      • .board => .modal.modal-board

Worfklow sidebar modules notes:

NOTE: all modules with forms/accordions elements with id or name attributes will be reused by the incoming edit project board as well

@NOTE on each module-side-*-edit.php components, we need to have prefixes prepended to input field names/id attributes, etc to avoid conflicting instances of user filter components

(ie when the project edit board and task edit board markups are both present in one page. This is guaranteed to occur on some or all of the incoming project-view templates being built by nadia)

Keep an eye out for these strings to make sense of why the fuc sam did??. Feel free to change the structure of the naming system as well to whatever is comfortable on your end, but keep in mind prefixes will be primarily important to avoid ui/ front end conflicts if there are ids/names that fall out of this standardized syntax, feel free to fix too:


	=> either `project` ot `task`, depending which editing board the module is placed.
	so if it's in the task-id-edit board, the a field REPLACEMODE-REPLACEwithPostType-team-lead-to-add-id the field's name is `edit-task-lead-sales-rep-id`

	if board's for viewing/editing/adding a task
		REPLACEwithPostType = `task`
		if board's for editing a project (thank god only editing)
		REPLACEwithPostType = `project`

example front end render:

		<label for="edit-task-title" class="input-label sr-only">Title</label>
		<input type="text" placeholder="Enter title" id="edit-task-title" name="edit-task-title" class=" input input-single-line input-large">


		<label for="edit-project-title" class="input-label sr-only">Title</label>
		<input type="text" placeholder="Enter title" id="edit-project-title" name="edit-project-title" class=" input input-single-line input-large">


	depending on which board editor (new task vs edit task) contains the form

	both Add new task or edit new task boards will be present together on pages. This is to ensure eding the task from the view board works.  REPLACEMODE prefix is to resolve any front end conflicts, like input field and label relations or modals and accordions

	if board's id is `task-69-edit`
		REPLACEMODE = `edit`

	if board's id is `task-69-new`

example front end render:

		<label for="edit-task-title" class="input-label sr-only">Title</label>
		<input type="text" placeholder="Enter title" id="edit-task-title" name="edit-task-title" class=" input input-single-line input-large">


		<label for="new-task-title" class="input-label sr-only">Title</label>
		<input type="text" placeholder="Enter title" id="new-task-title" name="new-task-title" class=" input input-single-line input-large">

filter-FIELDNAME definition: prefix for input fields that will only extend a valid input fields' capabilities (ie, search for a user name to append to team or search for valid tags to append to labels and tags)

example front end render:'
		field that will contain tags to add to actuial field
			<input id="filter-edit-task-tags" name="filter-edit-task-tags" type="text" class="input input-block input-large input-single-line" placeholder="Search for tag" />
		field that will actually submit to the database
			<input id="edit-task-tags" name="edit-task-tags" type="hidden" />

REPLACEwithCorrespondingInputFieldName definition: coimplete name of the filter-* field is connected tofield that will actually submit to the database

example front end render:'

	code on html/php demo version
		field that will contain tags to add to actuial field
			<input id="filter-edit-task-tags" name="filter-edit-task-tags" type="text" class="input input-block input-large input-single-line" placeholder="Search for tag" />
		field that will actually submit to the database
			<input id="edit-task-tags" name="edit-task-tags" type="hidden" />


		field that will contain tags to add to actuial field
			<input id="filter-REPLACEwithCorrespondingInputFieldName" name="filter-REPLACEwithCorrespondingInputFieldName" type="text" class="input input-block input-large input-single-line" placeholder="Search for tag" />
		field that will actually submit to the database
			<input id="REPLACEwithCorrespondingInputFieldName" name="REPLACEwithCorrespondingInputFieldName" type="hidden" />

For Cristian

As of 08-22-20

Conditional statements for which post (eg task vs project) renders a certain sidebar section that still need verification will have @TODO finalize apporpriate or remove uneeded conditional statement here as the the html comment

Find and replace the following:

  • [data-toggle="accordion"] with hrefs/data-hrefs to "#task-side-*"

    attribute/s to replace: hrefs/data-hrefs

    old: "#task-side-*"

    new: "#post-side-*"

  • .accordion with id to "task-side-*"

    attribute/s to replace: id

    old: "task-side-*"

    new: "post-side-*"

only on markup within /components/module-side-* and /components/toolbar-side-* files. These classes may not apply depending on how much the markup has changed on back end dev setup, but please keep an eye out for them

Selector attribute to change old new
.module .task-workflux class task-workflux" post-workflux
.module .task-tags class task-tags" post-tags
.module .task-followers class task-followers" post-followers
.module .task-wiki class task-wiki" post-wiki
.module .task-reminders class task-reminders" post-reminders
.module .task-project-new class task-project-new" post-new
.module .task-leads class task-leads" project-leads

Older Notes

As of 07-21-2020

instances of data atrtributes data-modal-max-width and data-board-max-width will now be data-modal-width and data-board-width

As of 07-13-2020

Workflow board components will now have their toggles and board bllock elements separated to allow more modularity eg:

board-track-time => board-track-time and board-track-time-toggle

board-track-time will contain only the board element while board-track-time-toggle will contain the toggle we see on my-dash

These are classes that need to be found and replaced for framework 2.0.0

btn-symbol-round => btn-round
btn-block => btn-block
btn-block-mobile => btn-block-mobile
input-block => input-block
input-block-mobile => input-block-mobile


I reorganized im sorry :...DDDDDD

Files to translate

  • assets - front end shit boi
    • images - duh
    • plugins - third party bitches eg framework, trumbowyg, etc
    • scripts - duh
    • styles - duh
  • placeholder - they can alll go awei
  • app-* - templates built for apps on the framework
    • includes - contains navigation and header contents for specific app
  • global - templates used by all apps/placehodr
  • components - shared or repeating markup. second holy grail For visual reference, see YOURLOCALENV.domain?template=debug-components
  • includes - template parts
  • header.php - duh
  • footer.php - duh

Files you dont need because it's just to setup the templates for showing off or internal bitches.. or.. whatever pls ignore them they're not needed on the actual dashboardt

  • config.codekit
  • config.php
  • content.php
  • helpers.php
  • index.php

Timetracker Notes

Leave add entry modal anmd date dropdowns as is for now. still awaiting design updates for those

Links are setup for templates that do not exist yet

Matching Templates

     New Templates                Description           New Template Live Demo Current Template Live Link
error Internal errors (eg. 404, 503.. ).

for both envs: production and scoreboard
home/my-time Landing page http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?template=home&env=&app=timetracker https://time-tracker.1p21.io/
team team data http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?template=team&env=&app=timetracker https://time-tracker.1p21.io/views/team

project view for a single project/client? not yet
profile view for a single user not yet
tasks ?? not yet
analytics ?? not yet

Calendar ui dropdown markup

<!-- Container/ ancestor with position to validly position dropdown-->
<div class="position-relative">
	<!-- toggle for dropdown -->
	<a href="#dropcal" data-toggle="dropdown">Toggle ya boi</a>

	<!-- dropdown -->
	<div id="dropcal" class="dropdown" data-dropdown-width="100%">
		<div class="flex-grid flex-wrap flex-grid-no-gutter-y"">

			<div class="flex-col-md-4 flex-col-sm-6">

				<div class=" input-wrapper input-wrapper-vertical input-wrapper-responsive input-wrapper-block">
					<label class="input-label">From</label>
					<input type="date" class="input input-calendar" data-calendar-text-input="true" />

			<div class="flex-col-md-4 flex-col-sm-6">

				<div class=" input-wrapper input-wrapper-vertical input-wrapper-responsive input-wrapper-block">
					<label class="input-label">To</label>
					<input type="date" class="input input-calendar" data-calendar-text-input="true" />

			<div class="flex-col-md-4 flex-col-sm-12">
				<div class="input-label">Or by Month</div>
				<ul class="no-padding-left">

					<li><a href="#">Jan 2018</a></li>
					<li><a href="#">Feb 2018</a></li>
					<li><a href="#">March 2018</a></li>
					<li><a href="#">April 2018</a></li>
					<li><hr class="dropdown-separator"></li>
					<li><a href="#">Today</a></li>
					<li><a href="#">Last 3 days</a></li>
					<li><a href="#">Last week</a></li>
					<li><a href="#">Last Month</a></li>


Assets Flowchart



Dashboard NOTES

  • Highcharts with tooltips

    To maintain design, we may have to add events.load properties to be able to append tooltip attributes

    Documentation for tooltip: here

    events.load property solution: here

  • Overrides to framework or custom styles are prepended with #dashboard or .dashboard. .filter- are also custom shits and not the framework's bbies

  • dynamic content will be classed with corresponding prefix (eg. .profile-name contains the profile's name data ) but not necessarily styled yet


Found in templates directory

     New Templates                Description           Matching Current Templates New Template Live Link Current Template Local Link Reference(assuming localhost:3000)
error Internal errors (eg. 404, 503.. ).

for both envs: production and scoreboard
No match http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?template=error n/a
home-production Overall stats: tasks/production No match http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?env=production n/a
home-scoreboard Overall stats: seo scoreboard dashboard http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?env=scoreboard http://localhost:3000/dashboard?date=2020-01
last-activity yes user_last_activity http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?template=last-activity http://localhost:3000/seo_team/Natalie/last_activity
login yes.

for both envs
login http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?template=login http://localhost:3000/login
profile-production profile for production ppl No match http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?template=profile&env=production n/a
profile-scoreboard profile for seos user http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?template=profile&env=scoreboard http://localhost:3000/seo_team/Alana?date=2020-01
profiles list of profiles. subgrouped as well.

for both envs.
http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?template=profiles http://localhost:3000/designers?date=ytd
project-production view of site project/account for production No match http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?template=project&env=production n/a
project-scoreboard view of site project/account for SEO user_websites http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?env=scoreboard&template=project n/a
projects-production all list view of site project/account for production. e.g. search, view all, etc No match http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?template=projects&env=production
projects-scoreboard all list view of site project/account for production. e.g. search, view all, etc todos,
http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?env=scoreboard&template=projects http://localhost:3000/seo_team/Alana/on_page_updates?date=ytd
unique-links yes links,
http://frameworkdashboarddebug.1p21.io/?template=unique-links&env=scoreboard http://localhost:3000/seo_team/Alana/links?date=ytd

Current Templates with no existing equivalent

  • analytics
  • nw_top_tens

New Templates that are can be disregarded for dashy boi

  • debug.php - used to debug the framework build.
  • debug-components.php - reference for componentsd available so we can reuse or improve what already exists and code less

Found Features in design that do not exist on current dashboard yet

Will be updated when items are found

New Templates Feature not ready
error none
profile-production online status on profile image
Availability status
Add new task

Strings to find dynamic shit

There are html comments or string instances by markup with dynamic attributes and or content. Initiate a find (but not a replace because wew) on these instances to setup for magic

  • REPLACE Meant to be replaced with dynamic content or actual data. if it's a span with this class, replace the entire span and its inner

  • DYNAMIC Contains information for something that needs to be dynamicall modified but not necessarily replaced

  • LOOP

    Boi gon loop

  • PLACEHOLDER or placeholder

    Meant to go away or even repurposed when dynamicness is ready

  • /placeholder/

    uri for assets meant to go away when dynamic boi is ready

    NOTE: graphs will have tooltip integrations through framework setup using tooltip framework integration

  • NOTE

    Other elements that rely on server side based... things

  • @IF @ELSE

    Conditional markup

  • Functions

    • app_create_link()

      Also counts as REPLACE, this was setup solely to link together the user flow of templates. this creates internal links

    • app_get_component()

      Calls on template markups of functionality based template markups. replace or repurpose if needed.

Framework Documentation


#2.0.0 Rebuilds and additions (for workflow suport)

framework 2.0.0

new components / helpers ang mga may js baka matagasalan ka kasi tanga ka rin minsan

js/ js + html

js + css (1 week or more)

  • .board - modal... but from the side. see debug template for basuc demo


    • OK zone
      • zone-large
      • zone-small // transfer default boi here
    • modal close button
      • add attribute to override classes + change to button
    • OK border radius rounding classes - *
      • btn-round
      • input round
      • btn-group-round
      • btn-group-round
    • OK btn palettes not fully customizeable (eg btn-theme-outline, btn-theme-polar- outline etc) - *
      • btn-COLORTAG-outline
    • input-toggle - *
      • requires 3 block elements
      • input-wrapper.input-checkbox-wrapper
        • input.input-checkbox
        • input-label.input-label-checkbox
    • OK Panel - * reminders USE .alert instead
    • summary - * donloadable assets
      • my dumbass didnt name dem thumbnails as avatar instead so here we are
      • possible files
        • default - download button na lang
        • image
        • word
        • excel
        • text
        • pdf
        • powerpoint
  • 1 day or less
    • progress bar - view task
      • sizing
        • progress-bar-small *
        • progress-bar-large
      • change default styles ???
    • symbol-download - * task pages
        • use polygon
    • highlight - * task pages
      • tagged names at comments
    • OK modal
      • adjust paddings for non mobile breakpoint and shit

redesign/ rebuild

  • may take more than 1 day
  • 1 day or less
    • tags color - edit task
      • bg changes + dynamic variable setup

Can't do due to layout/ usability issues

  • tables in modules w/o x-padding
      • layout and scroll issues to tables
  • arrow toggle flushed on right side with title on left while having module functions in between
  • Thumbnail possobility 4 files