
Treasure Hunt Game IPWA

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jsDrome - The Optimised Isomorphic Progressive React Firebase Boilerplate Web App.

The goal of this repository is to be able to spin up a boilerplate codebase for an Isomorphic Progressive Web App deployable in Google cloud. This specific use case is a blog app made suitable for search engines.

  • It uses React 16, React Router 4, Material in the view layer.

  • Redux, Isomorphic-fetch in the data layer.

  • Express in the server side.

  • Webpack 4, Webpack Dev Server to build the client code and server code.

  • Karma, Jasmine, Enzyme, Sinon for Unit testing.

  • Puppeteer, Cypress for Integration testing.

  • Lighthouse for Performance testing.

  • Browserstack for Cross-browser testing.

  • JsDoc documentation generation.

  • Circle CI for Continous Integration and Deployment.

  • Firebase as the backend.

  • Optimised for the Google Search Engine.

  • Eslint, editorconfig, commit message linting.

Lighthouse report without any throttling.

lighthouse output


  • package.json
  • src/config/variables.js
  • .firebaserc
  • server.js (function name)
  • templates/server.html- Google Tag Manager ID
  • cypress.json

Environment variables