
Some of my public solutions for Coding Challenges in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to my personal solutions for coding-challenges in Python. Thanks for visiting and I wish you a great Pythonist day!

"The joy of coding Python should be in seeing short, concise, readable classes that express a lot of action in a small amount of clear code -- not in reams of trivial code that bores the reader to death." - Guido van Rossum

Some great advanced courses/lectures that helped me to improve my problem-solving skills, algorithmic thinking, data structures and dynamic programming optimizations are:

Most of the problems of this repository come from public coding sites, such as:

The challenges that you will find on this project are my custom solutions, so feel free to use them as a guide for your future projects but don't expect them to be absolutely perfect (as I am learning new optimizations techniques every day)!.

Coding Challenges ☁️

These are coding problems that are usually related to competitive programming in which a specific set of Inputs/Outputs are specified and Memory/CPU constraints are added.

Dependencies 🚦

Software dependencies (based on project)

  • Visual Studio Code
    Visual Studio Code is my main code editor for high-level programming. This is not absolutely necessary, but from my experience, it gives us a great performance and we can link it with Git and GitHub easily.

  • Python
    Python is an amazing dynamic programming language that let us work fast, with easy and powerful integration of different software solutions.

Libraries and Package dependencies (based on project)

  • None.
    All of these challenges are developed with the built-in libraries and do not require any external dependency.

Usage 💫

All projects are well commented/documented and most of them have specifications and remarks for their purpose and I/O.

I will be uploading the necessary files, and try to keep it as clean as possible.

Special thanks 🎁

  • Thanks to all contributors of the great OpenSource projects that I am using.

Author 🎹

Santiago Garcia Arango

Senior DevOps Engineer passionate about advanced cloud-based solutions and deployments in AWS. I am convinced that today's greatest challenges must be solved by people that love what they do.