A lightweight Bluesky Android client built by Compose Multiplatform.
- Minimum SDK level 26
- Compose Multiplatform
- Support MultiModule
- Jetpack
- Compose
- ViewModel
- Datastore
- Coroutines + Flow
- Koin: DI
- Voyager: Navigation
- Sketch: Image loading
- Material Design3
- kotlinx.serialization: JSON
- kotlinx.datetime: Date
- Napier: Logging
- Ktor: API
- Arrow: Error handling
- composite-build
The app architecture is based on Google's App Architecture Guide. It consists of three major modules: app, core, and feature.
- Cache for improving performance
- reply, repost
- quote
- user settings
- search
- multi-account
- support activitypub (If it's possible) and more...