
The Official Repository of XINO 2019's Open Source Marathon

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The Official Repository of XINO 2019's Open Source Marathon

Participation Guide

Please follow these steps to get started:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone the repository to your local pc
  3. Make the changes to the necessary files

Pull Request

Please keep these things in mind while creating a pull request:

  1. Create separate branches for every task that you claim and create a pull request from that branch of your forked version of the repository. We will not accept the task submissions if the changes are made directly to the master branch.

  2. Describe the changes that you have made to the code in accordance with the task briefly.

  3. Include screenshots/videos/GIFs in your pull requests to support your task submissions.

Style Guidelines

Use PEP8 style for Python code and Prettier for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
+2 points will be awarded for hunting style errors in others' pull requests. You can simply comment on the respective pull request and include details of style errors to claim the points.

General Rules and Instructions

  1. If at any point of time, a participant tries to copy other participants' submission, it will lead to immediate disqualification of the participant from the event.
  2. The first submission of each task will be awarded more bonus points than those awarded to the subsequent submissions. The only exception to this rule would be if the non-first submission is a really high-quality submission, in that case the same amount of points as the first one will be awarded to that participant.

More details are available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/10sV36zfKDqhW0Cg1Yx9CKTsq75WoDiuf5BIBKE4Dla4/edit?fbclid=IwAR0l7oT7c7UL6kCY7ahzwQOPEZsdc9grYRb5kQYYxA9KyFBfSlBIbWZx11U.


  1. There are no task deadlines now, so you can work at your own pace!