
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frequency Plot


Frontend React project which fetches a text file and finds the 20 most frequent words and plots them in a histogram.


  1. Upon Clicking the submit button the site fetches the data from .txt file and parses the data into a array which is mapped with the frequency of words occurence in the file.
  2. Then using the react-chartjs-2 library we plot the histogram of Words vs Frequency.
  3. The Histogram is the pictorial represntation of the parsed data.
  4. X-axis - Words, Y-axis - Frequency of words.

How to run project.

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open repository in a code editor.
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm install react-chartjs-2
  5. Run npm start to start the script.

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