Hey, Santosh! 🌟 Welcome to the journey of creating an incredible study abroad consultancy website tailored just for you!
Landing Page (ongoing)
- Design an engaging landing page highlighting services and encouraging exploration.
About Page
- Introduce Mr. Santosh Pokhrel and the consultancy's mission.
Course Page
- Display available courses with details and benefits.
Contact Page
- Provide contact information and inquiry forms.
Blog Post Page
- Set up a platform for sharing valuable insights and updates.
AI Functionality
- Implement AI features to enhance user experience.
Chat About Website Page
- Inform users about website functionalities.
Summarize Functionality
- Develop a feature to summarize essential information.
Login and Sign-Up Pages
- Create secure authentication pages.
User Dashboard
- Display personalized user information and course details.
University List
- Develop a comprehensive list of participating universities.
Additional Functionalities
- Implement various user-centric features.
Blog Post Interaction
- Allow users to like, comment, and integrate AI.
Chat Functionality
- Implement real-time chat features.
Testing and Quality Assurance
- Ensure website functionality across devices and browsers.
Client Review and Feedback
- Incorporate Santosh's feedback for adjustments.
Website Launch
- Prepare for the official website launch.
Post-Launch Support
- Provide ongoing maintenance and technical support.
After that my work is completed ............