
You will have 4 labs:

TitleSessionPrelim. deadline
1Building a simple dialogue system in VoiceXML8/218/2
2ASR and NLU15/225/2
3TTS and NLG22/24/3
4Building a frame-based dialogue system in VoiceXML1/311/3

Spoken dialogue system architecture

from Lecture 1


in our case


Calling the application

using SIP

  1. Create an account in Linphone (https://www.linphone.org/free-sip-service.html)
  2. You will receive an email with your username and domain name
  3. Download SIP softphone (macOS: Telephone; iPhone/Android: SessionTalk SIP Phone; Windows: Ekiga, X-Lite, Linphone etc., Linux: Ekiga)
  4. Try it out: set up your account and dial vxml@eduserv.flov.gu.se
  5. Check whether speech recognition is working

using the phone (optional)

031 786 5902

Call routing app (under development): /usr/local/voxeo/webapps/www/vt19/routing.xml

Server access

eduserv.flov.gu.se (with your student account)

static files

On the server side you should have an access to /usr/local/voxeo where you can find the webapps, logs, etc.

Static pages should be stored here: /usr/local/voxeo/webapps/www/vt19

dynamic files

You can use Python to generate VoiceXML files. See the example in /vxml-server folder. In order to access the sever from your local web browser you will need to forward server’s port. E.g.:

ssh -L8099:localhost:8099 eduserv.flov.gu.se

Managing applications in Voxeo

Prophecy Commander: http://eduserv.flov.gu.se:9996


  1. Set up your SSH key:
    • Generate your key with ssh-keygen: follow the GitHub guide
    • Once an SSH key has been created, the ssh-copy-id command can be used to install it as an authorized key on the server. (on Windows this would be slightly trickier)
  2. SSH config (~/.ssh/config) is very handy:
    Host eduserv
      HostName eduserv.flov.gu.se
      User <your-gus-username>
      LocalForward 8099 localhost:8099