
Primary LanguageRuby


Google kidnapped our sharebros! And we want them back.


Install a local CouchDB server

http://www.couchbase.com/downloads/couchbase-single-server/community (formerly CouchDBX) is the easiest way.

http://couchdb.apache.org/downloads.html is another way but is more technically arduous.

See also http://www.google.com/search?q=couchdb+install

Once you install CouchDB, leave it as an "Admin Party" so we don't need a local password. If you figure out a way to add a password without making it hard for developers, please let me know.

Clone the repo

git clone git://github.com/alexch/sharebro.git
cd sharebro

Install the gems

gem install bundler
bundle install

Note that we require Ruby 1.9.2 or greater.

Install your own oauth.yaml file

You need to get oauth creds from Google. [TODO: links] (sharebro.org has its own creds that I'm not putting in the git repo, though you can learn them if I make you an admin of the heroku app.)

Put them in a file in the root level called oauth.yaml that looks like this:

oauth_consumer_key: example.com
oauth_consumer_secret: ABC123xyzPDQ

Run the tests

Um, we don't really have any good ones yet. Sorry.

rake spec

(In good Ruby style, plain rake also runs the tests.)

Launch the app!

rake run

this will fire up the server and launch http://localhost:9292, and use rerun so it'll relaunch if you change a file. Since I'm on Mac it also runs open http://localhost:9292 but that'll fail on other systems so don't worry about it.

TODO (site):

  • better color
  • tagline
  • logo
  • better site design
  • make "links" an RSS feed

TODO (app):

TODO (promo)