
Myntra Hackathon 2021, #WeForShe

Primary LanguageJava


Myntra HackerRamp: WeForShe

Team : @sanchayitapurkayastha, @sharmistha412

Online Shopping is an exponentially growig trend in today's world. With the boom of the e-commerce websites and the ease of availability in our smart phones, it is very easy to buy things from the Web. One of the most profitting e-commerce business is Garments. One gets the most fashionable clothes, from across different brands with reduced prices online. But a report made by Body Labs say that about 23% of all clothings get returned, and 64% of consumers say incorrect fit is the primary reason they return clothing.

The increase in the number of clothes returns is a major problem for the e-commerce companies as well as for the customers. Differenet size charts, the ease of fitting and failed attempts to take proper body measurements, results in the loss of customer interest which leads to loss of valuable customers for the company. To fix the issue, team Purple_coders has developed an Android App- Fit It, a size and fit analysis tool which helps the user predict the right size for them. The details of our application is as follows :

Tech Stack

  • Front-end : XML, JAVA, UI/UX Design
  • Back-end :
    • Machine Learning Model : Python, Tensorflow Lite
    • Android : JAVA, Firebase


  • A Size & Fit analysis tool, for predicting the size of the user by asking them basic questions about their body.
  • A Gift section, for the ease of shopping for products when the user don't know the size.
  • A Guide Panel, for guiding our users for proper body measurements, so that they dont have any trouble to find their right size.

Guide to run the app locally

  1. Install Android Studio on your device.
  2. Clone the Repository
  3. Select the import project option from the file tab (or) select "Open an existing project".
  4. Now, open the repo in Android Stduio.
  5. Wait for sometime for the build to finish successfully.
  6. After successful gradle build, from the top options panel, click on run button (or) play button to run the app on real device or on an emulator.


With the help of Fit It, we are trying to help the customers to eliminate the barriers, which hinder the online shopping procedure. Instead of being confined in one’s body insecurities, we want our buyers to feel confident about their physique and buy what they desire.Fit It will level up the confidence of our customers to buy clothes online without the worry of misfits and hassle of returns.Just a simple and effective way to have happy and satisfactory customer. Fit It also aims boosting up the profit of the e-commerce websites due to the reduction in package returns, cutting down to transportational costs and save the extra time, which is otherwise used in the package returning. Using Machine Learning, Firebase and Android, Fit It will bring a new era in the field of online shopping.