
A generator for npm modules using Yeoman

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NPM Module Generator

Scaffolds an NPM Module that supports ES6, and uses eslint, istanbul and mocha.

Getting started

Make sure you have yeoman installed, simply run anywhere:

sudo npm install -g yo

Install the generator:

You can not run this command with sudo. Open a new terminal tab and run this command anywhere:

npm install -g generator-npm-module


This generator will also create a GitHub repository for you if you desire. For this to work, you will need to generate an GitHub access token and set it to your environment variables before running this generator.

  • Go to your github settings
  • Click the Personal access tokens preference
  • Click Generate new token
  • Select the repo > public_repo option
  • Copy the generated access token and add it to your environment variables

Read more here: https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#create

Updating the generator


Select Update


Run the generator:

yo npm-module 

Answer a few questions and code away!

Local Development

On the command line, from the root of your generator project (in the generator-npm-module/ folder), type:

npm link

That will install your project dependencies and symlink a global module to your local file. After npm is done, you'll be able to call yo npm-module to run the generator.