Binancio - Binance P2P Bot
Binancio calculates median price of any crypto-asset in fiat currency on Binance's p2p exchange right on your console.
⚡ Usage
Interactive mode
npx binancio
Using custom options
npx binancio --ticker ETH --fiat USD --operation BUY
Overall options
npx binancio --help
-t, --ticker <type> Crypto ticker (choices: "USDT", "BTC", "BNB", "BUSD", "ETH", "DAI")
-f, --fiat <type> Fiat currency (choices: "ARS", "EUR", "USD", "AED", "AUD", "BDT", ...)
-o, --operation <type> Operation type (choices: "BUY", "SELL")
-p, --pay-types <type> Payment method (choices: "*", "AirTM", "Bank Transfer" ...) [Depends on localization]
-h, --help display help for command
☁️ Installation
# Using npm
npm install -g binancio
# Using yarn
yarn global add binancio
- Deprecate scrapper and use Binance Public API.
- CLI Semantic API (eg. npx binancio --ticker ETH --fiat ARS --type BUY).
- Save output in json format.
Do you have something in mind? Create an issue!
📦 Dependencies
- inquirer - Common interactive command line user interfaces
- commander - Node.js command-line interfaces made easy
- chalk - Terminal string styling done right
In case you want to support Binancio development.
Gumroad link:
Ξ Ethereum address: