Whisper Flash Attention

This is a repository for benchmarking the Whisper Model with memory efficient multi-head attention (MHA) from the xFormers repository by Facebook research.

The modelling code is split into two parts:


Installation requires PyTorch 1.13.1 or higher, the xFormers package and Hugging Face Transformers:

pip install -U xformers transformers


The memory efficient flash attention model can be loaded and run in much the same way as the original Hugging Face Transformers implementation:

from whisper_flash_attention import WhisperFlashAttentionForConditionalGeneration
from transformers import WhisperProcessor
from datasets import load_dataset

processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-tiny.en")
model = WhisperFlashAttentionForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-tiny.en")

ds = load_dataset("hf-internal-testing/librispeech_asr_dummy", "clean", split="validation")
sample = ds[0]["audio"]

input_features = processor(sample["array"], sampling_rate=sample["sampling_rate"], return_tensors="pt").input_features

pred_ids = model.generate(input_features.to("cuda").half())
transcription = processor.batch_decode(pred_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)[0]


The benchmark can be run from the Python script in benchmark_flash_attention.py.

Default Setting

  • Batch size = 1: single-batch inference with greedy decoding
  • Generated tokens = 25: this is the typical output sequence length for speech
  • Num batches = 100: benchmark over multiple batches for a good estimate of runtime

The following table shows the VRAM and inference time results for Original (Orig) vs Flash attention for various checkpoints and decoder layers:

Checkpoint Dec layers VRAM Orig / GB VRAM Flash / GB Time Orig / s Time Flash / s
tiny 4 1.38 1.39 17.0 16.4
2 1.35 1.36 9.3 11.0
base 6 1.52 1.53 19.4 21.3
4 1.49 1.50 14.5 15.4
2 1.45 1.46 9.3 9.7
small 12 2.27 2.27 39.4 43.2
6 2.03 2.04 23.3 24.2
4 1.95 1.96 17.5 17.5
2 1.87 1.88 12.0 12.7
medium 24 4.21 4.21 76.0 86.6
6 3.05 3.06 25.4 27.3
4 2.92 2.93 20.2 19.5
2 2.79 2.80 14.0 14.3

Larger Batch Size & Sequence Length

Using a larger batch size and sequence length should reveal the benefits of Flash Attention:

  • Batch size = 32
  • Generated tokens = 256
  • Num batches = 10
Checkpoint Dec layers VRAM Orig / GB VRAM Flash / GB Time Orig / s Time Flash / s
tiny 4 3.23 2.09 16.1 20.7
2 3.27 1.95 9.6 11.2
base 6 3.98 2.83 21.4 24.8
4 3.95 2.38 15.2 20.3
2 3.91 2.14 10.1 11.5
small 12 5.99 6.07 39.1 58.5
6 5.73 3.86 22.6 31.8
4 5.64 3.05 19.0 24.3
2 5.55 2.89 12.5 15.2
medium 24 9.19 13.63 78.0 175.5
6 7.97 5.26 29.6 51.8
4 7.83 4.38 25.3 38.1
2 7.70 4.15 19.2 24.3