
Implemented a Library Management System in C++ language using Object-oriented programming concepts. Implemented the system for command line interface.

Primary LanguageC++



  • To Implement a Library Management System in C++ language using Object-oriented programming concepts.
  • Need to implement the system on command line interface.

How to run

  • Open the console
  • Run
cd src  
g++ src/main.cpp -o a



  • main.cpp : contains the main code to run the program
  • model.h : contains the required classes
  • urls.cpp : contains the location of databases stored in db
  • views.cpp : contains the functions to execute function present in classes


  • user.txt : stores the list of users and their passwords Format: sno name id password role

  • book.txt: stores the list of books in the library
    Format: sno title author isbn pblication

  • cookie.txt: stores the information of logged in user Format: sno name id password role

  • user_book.txt: stores the user and the corresponding issued book. Format: sno_user sno_book day month year numBooks


  • Librarian can add, update, delete a user or a book; can see the list of available user or books; can see which book is issued to which user and which user has which books issued; can clear the fine of a respective user corresponding to a particular book.

  • Student can see all the available books, see the list of books s/he has issued along with his/her current fine, can check if he/she can issue a particular book or not, and can issue a book.

  • Professors can see the list of all the books, see the list of books he/she has along with the fine amount, and can can issue a book, and can check whether a particular book is available for issue or not .

Things to take care of -

  • number of books should be entered as integer
  • some of the users and books have been prefilled in the db folder for easy access.
  • Book once issued cannot be issued again until and unless the fine for that book is cleared and the respective book is returned.
  • A user has to logout for other user to login again as his credentials are being stored in the cookie.txt file once he logs in.