
A list of every article, paper, videos I study from.


Deep learning


Title Link
1. A Recipe for Training Neural Networks. Article
2. Deep learning books D2L.ai, Deep learning book , Neural network and deep learning, Deep learning wizard, A guide to convolutional neural networks for computer vision
3. Deep unsupervised learning. Videos
4. A Neural Network in 13 lines of Python. Article
5. Tensorflow tutorials Github
6. Neural networks by 3 blue 1 brown(Mathematics of gradient descent and backprop). Videos
7. Ten techniques learned from fast ai. Article
8. Understanding AUC - ROC Curve. Article
9. Adversarial Examples Aren’t Bugs, They’re Features. Article
10. Training Very Deep Networks. Paper
11. Andrej Karpathy blog. Website
12. Incredible pytorch. Github
13. Tensorboard with google colab Article
14. Survey on deep learning with class imbalance. Paper
15. Backpropogation algorithm Article
16. The Mathematics of Machine Learning Article
17. Deep elarning wizard Book

Computer Vision

Title Link
1. A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning. Paper
2. One-shot object detection. Article
3. A Brief Introduction To GANs. Article
4. PVANET: Deep but Lightweight Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection. Article
5. A list of papers and other resources on Generative Adversarial (Neural) Networks. Github
6. Face recognition library. Website
7. Cycle Gans and Pix2Pix. Article
8. Object detection blogs and codes 1. Article
2. Article
3. Article
9. Generating Diverse High-Fidelity Images with VQ-VAE-2 Paper
10. Semantic segmentation over the years. Article
11. Accident forecasting dataset and paper. paper
12. A course on evolution of object detection algorithms. youtube
13. Deep learning for computer vision(UMich, Justin Johnson) videos
14. Tracking Objects as Points paper

Natural language processing

Title Link
1. Natural language processing course stanford(cs224d). Video
2. Lisbon machine learning school. video

Study resources list

Title Link
1. Deep learning drizzle. Website
2. 8 Fun Machine Learning Projects for Beginners. Article
3. 6 Deep Learning Applications a beginner can build in minutes. Article
4. 24 Ultimate Data Science Projects To Boost Your Knowledge and Skills. Article
5. The 9 Deep Learning Papers You Need To Know About (Understanding CNNs Part 3). Article
6. Awesome - Most Cited Deep Learning Papers. Github
7. Deep learning courses, papers, researchers etc list. Github
8. Jeremy jackson deep learning resources. Website
9. Curated list of Machine Learning, NLP, Vision, Recommender Systems Project Ideas. Github
10. Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap. Github
11. The Incredible PyTorch: a curated list of tutorials, papers, projects, communities and more relating to PyTorch. Github
12. The Mathematics of Machine Learning Article


Title Link
1. Deep learning for robotics pieter abbeel. Video
2. Augmenting SLAM with deep learning Article
3. Robotics Coursework Github list


Title Link
1. Open Datasets Skymind
2. Quora answer Link
3. Medical Data Github


Title Link
1. Calculus summary for deep learning Article

Reinforcement learning

Title Link
1. The Complete Reinforcement Learning Dictionary. Article
2. Deep reinforcement learning course. Articles


Title Link
1. An introduction to web scrapping in python. Article
2. ROS Website
3. How can i prepare for research oriented goal. Reddit
4. Graphical user interface (GUI) for Google Compute Engine instance. Article