
Below are the step for a quick Amazon Lex demo


  1. Login to AWS account, and switch to us-east-1 region

  2. Search for Amazon Lex, and click

  3. Under Bot section click Create

Design & Deploy Lex Bot

  1. Boot Name - booking_a_table

  2. Intent Name - reserve_a_table

  3. Define custom slot type (hotel_name) with values - Taj, Aura, WareHouse, VegTreat

  4. Define slots

    • bookingdate - AMAZON.DATE - On what date you want me to book a table?
    • bookingtime - AMAZON.TIME - At what time you want me to book a table?
    • numberofpeople - AMAZON.NUMBER - How many people will join you?
    • restaurantname - hotel_name - In which hotel you want to book?
  5. Confirmation prompt

    • Check Confirmation prompt
    • Confirm - Are you sure you want to book a table at {restaurantname} for {bookingdate} at {bookingtime}?
    • Cancel (if the user says "no") - Your reservation will cancelled. Thank you!