
Only 412*548 dimension image expected during evaluation

abdullahahsann opened this issue · 2 comments

I hope you are well.
There's one issue that i face.
When using the model for evaluation, it doesn't accept any image other then an image of dimensions 412548, cause that's the input shape defined in the model.
So i have to change the evaluation function to have it resize to 412
548 (which distorts the images), while you yourself are using an 1920*1080 image resize, which did worked for you.
Can you guide me anyhow on how to resolve this.
Thankyou :)

Screenshot from 2021-05-18 07-56-05

Thanks a lot.
I'll really appreciate it.
I did got around it by storing the original dimensions of an image in a temp, converting the image to 412 X 518, passing it through the model, and then resizing the image and dehazed_image back to their original size.
But there could be a better way probably.
Let me know for sure :) .