
Comparison of free Heroku alternatives for backend applications

Free Heroku Alternatives

Heroku shuts down their free plans so here are some free alternatives to deploy your backend applications.

This comparison describes only free tiers of these services.

fly.io Railway.app render.com glitch.com Adaptable.io Cyclic.sh Zeabur.com
Shutdown for Inactivity No No 15 minutes 5 minutes Yes* No No
Credit Card Required Yes Yes No No No No No
Free Tier Limits ? $5* 750 hours 1000 hours None* 100,000 req? $5
RAM 256MB 512MB 512MB 512MB 256MB 1GB 512MB
Disk Space 3GB 1GB 200MB* 1GB 512MB* 1GB
Disk Write Access Yes No Yes Yes* Yes* Yes
Network Bandwidth 160GB $0.10/GB 100GB 4000 req/hour 100GB
Can use Dockerfile Yes Yes Yes No (only Node.js) No* No Yes
GitHub Integration No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

* See information below


Pricing | About Free Postgres | Deployment

  • Up to 3 shared-cpu-1x 256mb VMs
  • Free Postgres
    • single node, 3gb volume (single database)
    • 2x1gb volumes (database in two regions, or a primary and replica in the same region)
    • 3x1gb volumes (database in three regions)


Pricing | Plans (New!) | Deployment

  • First month: $5 or 500 hours of usage, credit card is not required
  • To get free $5/month - credit card is required and you have to be verified:
    • very active GitHub account
    • active usage on Railway
    • no spammy or abusive behaviour detected
  • Has Postgres, Redis, MongoDB, MySQL
  • Can't run an app 24/7 at a free tier because it offers only 500 hours of usage per month
  • Project deploys are stood down if credit limit OR execution hour limit is reached
  • Need to redeploy projects after the new monthly credit is applied to your account
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":429977550,"nice":4877620,"sys":100221000,"idle":2236262230,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":530307840,"nice":6992540,"sys":104119280,"idle":2159677140,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":531292710,"nice":6954080,"sys":104655000,"idle":2165640630,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":547151450,"nice":7143210,"sys":105376640,"idle":2151592570,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":552904880,"nice":7234820,"sys":105625660,"idle":2147697520,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":572768080,"nice":7805300,"sys":101886850,"idle":1998757280,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":560505030,"nice":6684900,"sys":107260890,"idle":2134275420,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":573149420,"nice":6695010,"sys":107365710,"idle":2128629600,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":566875240,"nice":6857330,"sys":107589550,"idle":2135357390,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":569532820,"nice":6849130,"sys":107298700,"idle":2134912670,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":569806580,"nice":6872870,"sys":107199790,"idle":2134851970,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":574875360,"nice":4793910,"sys":107062680,"idle":2129160960,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":570777860,"nice":4896690,"sys":106414590,"idle":2139333750,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":570867560,"nice":4870710,"sys":107309590,"idle":2135238060,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":582392240,"nice":4899970,"sys":108861520,"idle":2120797550,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":578386010,"nice":4940840,"sys":108575000,"idle":2125157350,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":520093030,"nice":5064300,"sys":105708810,"idle":2185946050,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":443641460,"nice":5138010,"sys":102879030,"idle":2266763470,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":440584160,"nice":5153180,"sys":101942580,"idle":2271730290,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":427817060,"nice":5236540,"sys":101030220,"idle":2285973890,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":424426660,"nice":4804650,"sys":100285420,"idle":2285252450,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":421252000,"nice":5071310,"sys":99151740,"idle":2296282390,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":415649930,"nice":4844940,"sys":100851290,"idle":2293205670,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":414107010,"nice":4704680,"sys":100748620,"idle":2296303770,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":418074100,"nice":4743990,"sys":101072840,"idle":2294456620,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":412244320,"nice":4795740,"sys":100025830,"idle":2300035030,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":407350930,"nice":4870930,"sys":100091520,"idle":2306181050,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":405358380,"nice":4845980,"sys":99191980,"idle":2308132560,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":404763220,"nice":5067500,"sys":107482530,"idle":2256940970,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":404258000,"nice":4938940,"sys":103694880,"idle":2282950000,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":400346480,"nice":4855750,"sys":101393630,"idle":2296042160,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz","speed":2199,"times":{"user":398576090,"nice":4846670,"sys":100361930,"idle":2304048900,"irq":0}}


Pricing | Limits for Free Tier | Deployment

  • Free Redis: 25MB RAM, 50 connections, No persistence
  • Free DDOS protection to every app using Cloudflare
  • Free Web Services do not support persistent disks
  • Free Web Services can be restarted at any time
  • Free Web Services can use up to 400 free build hours per month, shared with static sites
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7571","speed":2542,"times":{"user":174236890,"nice":41690,"sys":94674930,"idle":476275030,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7571","speed":2547,"times":{"user":186440240,"nice":52690,"sys":102817790,"idle":472428170,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7571","speed":2200,"times":{"user":184893690,"nice":59310,"sys":101664400,"idle":471043630,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7571","speed":2200,"times":{"user":185885080,"nice":54210,"sys":102281640,"idle":473727850,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7571","speed":2200,"times":{"user":191267210,"nice":61690,"sys":105612430,"idle":465391730,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7571","speed":2547,"times":{"user":184773470,"nice":61930,"sys":101221800,"idle":472552340,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7571","speed":2200,"times":{"user":186733720,"nice":70410,"sys":102413860,"idle":472580080,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7571","speed":2547,"times":{"user":186168680,"nice":80780,"sys":102599080,"idle":469537790,"irq":0}}


Pricing | Free Tier Restrictions | Persistence | Github Action

  • Apps are limited to 4000 requests per hour (subsequent requests will return a 429 "Too Many Requests" response).
  • Apps have a limit of 200MB of disk space in the container. The contents of your apps's /tmp directory currently don't count towards that total. Those files are removed when the app restarts.
  • By default your node.js modules don't count towards that total - there's a separate 1GB limit for node modules.
  • There's an additional 512MB of assets storage space. The maximum file size per upload is limited to 256MB.
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz","speed":2499,"times":{"user":392954400,"nice":760542130,"sys":397252320,"idle":2252573240,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz","speed":2499,"times":{"user":329321660,"nice":756776420,"sys":456550360,"idle":2255211520,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz","speed":2499,"times":{"user":382870720,"nice":787021250,"sys":372660160,"idle":2265251340,"irq":0}}


Pricing | Deployment | App requirements

  • Adaptable is currently in beta.
  • Free managed Postgres or MongoDB is included with each app (MS SQL available as add-on).
  • Web services do not support persistent disks. Apps can write to local disk, but files will be lost when the app is scaled down or updated.
  • Web services cannot perform background tasks (HTTP request processing only). App CPU allocation is set to zero when your app is not processing a network request.
  • Web services can be restarted at any time.
  • Apps may be paused for abusive use.
  • Dockerfile support is not yet released.


Pricing | Limits | Deploy

  • Websockets are currently not supported in Cyclic apps.
  • There are no servers, no containers, no images, no hours to count. Each app is deployed entirely on serverless cloud infrastructure.
  • Apps do not have to sleep, wake up, spin up or recycle. All front-ends and back-ends are ready on-demand, immediately and at all times.
  • Storage
    • 1GB of AWS S3 file object storage
    • 1GB AWS DynamoDB NoSQL database.
    • 512MB of ephemeral disk space mounted at /tmp. The data will persist between invokes but there is no guarantee that any further invocations will use the same instance and thus can not be relied on to store persistent data.
  • No streaming of requests or responses
  • 5 API requests per second steady state (for free tier)
  • 10 API requests per second in a burst (for free tier)
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor @ 2.50GHz","speed":2500,"times":{"user":260,"nice":0,"sys":380,"idle":488800,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor @ 2.50GHz","speed":2500,"times":{"user":490,"nice":0,"sys":480,"idle":488540,"irq":0}}


Pricing | Pricing Model | Deployment

  • Has Postgres, Redis, MongoDB, MySQL and other databases
  • Should use about 20% CPU and 100MB RAM to run an app 24/7 at a free tier.
  • Include a US$ 5 free credits every month
  • Apps do not have to sleep, wake up, spin up or recycle. All front-ends and back-ends are ready on-demand, immediately and at all times.
  • Can deploy from pre-built services and templates
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7B12","speed":2249,"times":{"user":1079889550,"nice":0,"sys":517413340,"idle":1440992040,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7B12","speed":2249,"times":{"user":1098516910,"nice":0,"sys":511087310,"idle":1445546250,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7B12","speed":2249,"times":{"user":1090612360,"nice":0,"sys":512215370,"idle":1480410470,"irq":0}},
  {"model":"AMD EPYC 7B12","speed":2249,"times":{"user":1027847790,"nice":10,"sys":516513570,"idle":1232710880,"irq":0}}