
Technology Tracking System for Aim High (aimhigh.org)

Primary LanguagePython

Aim High - Tech Tracking System

First-time git users

Atlassian has a great tutorial on basic Git commands.

First time setup (for Macs)

Homebrew and Git

  • Open a terminal (Terminal.app, if you don't have another one you prefer)
  • Check if you have homebrew installed
brew -v
  • If you do not see a version number, install Homebrew.
  • Check if you have git installed
git --version
  • If it is unavailable, install it
brew install git

Python 3 and virtualenv

  • Check what version of Python you have installed
python --version
  • If the version is newer than 3.6, great! Skip to the next section. If the version is 2.x, you should try
python3 --version
  • If python3 was not found, run:
brew install python3
  • If python3 was found, but the version was older than 3.6:
brew upgrade python3
  • Check what version of pip you have:
pip --version
  • If the command was not found or prints out a line that ends in (python 2.7), run
pip3 install virtualenv
  • If, instead, the command had printed out a line that ended in (python 3.), run
pip install virtualenv

Clone the repository

  • Fork this repository (on GitHub this button is on the top right). This will create a copy of the source code in your GitHub account.
  • Change to the directory you want to download the code into
cd <directory>
  • Clone your copy of the repository into a folder of your choice (replace with your username)
git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/techtracking.git
  • Create a remote pointing to the upstream copy of the repository
git remote add upstream https://github.com/raghavsethi/techtracking.git
  • Change into this directory
cd techtracking
  • Set up a virtualenv
virtualenv venv

Install libraries, Postgres, set up database

  • Install Postgres (Postgres.app is recommended)
  • Configure Postgres (or if you're using Postgres.app, run it and click the initialize button)
  • Add Postgres to PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/latest/bin
  • Activate the virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate
  • Export secret key
export SECRET_KEY=foo
  • Install the required libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Set up the local database
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
  • Create a superuser
python manage.py createsuperuser
  • Run the setup script
python manage.py setup
  • Set up static files
python manage.py collectstatic
  • Run the local server
python manage.py runserver
  • Open up the admin interface http://localhost:8000/admin
  • Create the minimum required entries in the database (weeks, SKUs etc.)
  • Exit the virtualenv (when you're done)

Making changes

Using PyCharm

  • PyCharm is a great IDE for Python and is highly recommended. Download the community edition from JetBrains
  • Install it, and run it to begin setup. Choose settings as appropriate
  • When you are at the welcome screen, select 'Open', find the 'techtracking' folder and select it
  • Click 'Open'
  • On the top bar, next to the green triangular run button, make sure the runserver configuration is selected
  • Click the run button
  • Open up http://localhost:8000 in your favorite browser
  • You can now play around with the app
  • Make changes by editing files in the 'checkout' directory
  • Any changes you save will trigger a re-run. Just hit reload in your web browser.

Using the Terminal

  • Activate the virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate
  • Export secret key (for email delivery, you'll need to put in the correct SENDGRID_API_KEY)
export SECRET_KEY=foo
  • Run the local server
python manage.py runserver
  • Open up http://localhost:8000 in your favorite browser
  • You can now play around with the app
  • Make changes by editing files using your favorite text editor
  • Any changes you save to your working directory will automatically be reflected in the web browser. Just hit reload.
  • When you're done:

Updating your repository

If there are changes in the master (upstream) version that you want to integrate into your code, you can rebase your code onto the latest version

git pull --rebase upstream master

If you see this message:

error: cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes.
error: please commit or stash them.

This means you have made changes to the code. If you want to save your changes:

git add --all .
git commit -am "<description of changes>"

If you do not want to save your changes:

git reset --hard HEAD

Now you can try rebasing again