
Edit subtitles in your terminal instead of a text editor

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Basic usage:

# Works with srt files
subtitle-editor video.mp4 subtitles.srt

# Can take plaintext files as input
subtitle-editor video.mp4 subtitles.srt --input lyrics.txt

See the Tutorial for details.

Demo image

Setup (Mac OS)

Install dependencies

  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Install system dependencies (get a coffee while this runs)
    brew install ffmpeg pyenv portaudio
  3. Finalize your pyenv installation For zsh (standard in newer Macs) this will be:
    echo 'eval "$(pyenv init --path)"' >> ~/.zprofile
    echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc
  4. Install python 3
    pyenv install 3.7.11  # Or another python 3 version
    pyenv global 3.7.11
  5. Update pip (don't skip this)
    pip install -U pip

Install subtitle-editor

pip install subtitle-editor

Tutorial: Add subtitles to a video

  1. Create a plain text file that contains each subtitle on a separate line. Blank lines will be ignored. For example:

    This is the first line
    This is the second line
    And so on
  2. Import this file into subtitle-editor

    cd /path/to/video/project
    subtitle-editor video.mp4 video.srt --input input.txt

    The subtitle-editor will pre-render the frames of your video. Note: if video.srt already exists it will be overwritten.

  3. Now you will create a rough cut of the subtitles. The idea here is to get your timestamps more or less right; you'll do a second pass to clean everything up later.

    Type P to start playback, then press the spacebar to set the currently-selected timestamp and move to the next one. Keep going until you get to the end.

  4. Type q to save your work and exit to the terminal. video.srt now exists with your rough cut of subtitles!

  5. Run subtitle-editor again, but without passing an input. This will allow you to edit the existing subtitle file.

    subtitle-editor video.mp4 video.srt
  6. For each subtitle, type p to play the video & audio for that subtitle. Use ↑/↓/←/→ to navigate between subtitles and start/end times. Use -/_ and =/+ to modify the times until they are correct.

  7. Navigate back to the beginning and type P to play back the whole video with subtitles. If there are any issues, type p to pause and make adjustments, then press P to resume playback.

  8. Type q to save your work and exit!

Command Reference

When you are using subtitle-editor, you have the following commands available.


<tab>/←/→ Switch between start/end timestamps
↑/↓       Select a subtitle
=/+       Increase the selected timestamp by one frame / 1 sec
-/_       Decrease the selected timestamp by one frame / 1 sec


P         Enter / leave playback mode
<space>   In playback mode, set the current timestamp and move to the next one
u         In playback mode, "undo" by moving back one timestamp (does not
          actually undo the change)
p         In standard mode, play the video between the start/end timestamps
          of the current subtitle


q         Save and exit
Ctrl + c  Exit without saving
?         Display help message