
Simple FFI wrappers for ICU. Checkout MRI binding in C.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

ffi-icu Build Status

Simple FFI wrappers for ICU. Checkout the renovated ICU gem instead which supports various of encoding and distributed with packaged source. FFI-ICU needs some love with ICU gem's transcoding method.



gem install ffi-icu



If you get messages that the library or functions are not found, you can set some environment variables to tell ffi-icu where to find it, e.g.:

$ export FFI_ICU_LIB="icui18n.so"
$ export FFI_ICU_VERSION_SUFFIX="_3_8"
$ ruby -r ffi-icu program.rb


Character Encoding Detection


    match = ICU::CharDet.detect(str)
    match.name       # => "UTF-8"
    match.confidence # => 80


    detector = ICU::CharDet::Detector.new
    detector.detect(str) => #<struct ICU::CharDet::Detector::Match ...>

Why not just use rchardet?

  • speed

Locale Sensitive Collation


    ICU::Collation.collate("nb", %w[å æ ø]) == %w[æ ø å] #=> true


    collator = ICU::Collation::Collator.new("nb")
    collator.compare("a", "b")  #=> -1
    collator.greater?("z", "a") #=> true
    collator.collate(%w[å æ ø]) #=> ["æ", "ø", "å"]

Text Boundary Analysis


    iterator = ICU::BreakIterator.new(:word, "en_US")
    iterator.text = "This is a sentence."
    iterator.to_a  #=> [0, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19]

Number/Currency Formatting


    # class method interface
    ICU::NumberFormatting.format_number("en", 1_000) #=> "1,000"
    ICU::NumberFormatting.format_number("de-DE", 1234.56) #=> "1.234,56"
    ICU::NumberFormatting.format_currency("en", 123.45, 'USD') #=> "$123.45"
    ICU::NumberFormatting.format_percent("en", 0.53, 'USD') #=> "53%"
    ICU::NumberFormatting.spell("en_US", 1_000) #=> "one thousand"

    # reusable formatting objects
    numf = ICU::NumberFormatting.create('fr-CA')
    numf.format(1000) #=> "1 000"

    curf = ICU::NumberFormatting.create('en-US', :currency)
    curf.format(1234.56, 'USD') #=> "$1,234.56"

Time Formatting/Parsing


    # class method interface
    f = ICU::TimeFormatting.format(Time.mktime(2015, 11, 12, 15, 21, 16), {:locale => 'cs_CZ', :zone => 'Europe/Prague', :date => :short, :time => :short})
    f #=> "12.11.15 15:21"

    # reusable formatting objects
    formatter = ICU::TimeFormatting.create(:locale => 'cs_CZ', :zone => 'Europe/Prague', :date => :long, :time => :none)
    formatter.format(Time.now)  #=> "25. února 2015"
    # reusable formatting objects
    formatter = ICU::TimeFormatting.create(:locale => 'cs_CZ', :zone => 'Europe/Prague', :date => :long, :time => :none)
    formatter.parse("25. února 2015") #=> Wed Feb 25 00:00:00 +0100 2015

For skeleton formatting, visit the Unicode date field symbol table page to help find the pattern characters to use.

    formatter = ICU::TimeFormatting.create(:locale => 'cs_CZ', :date => :pattern, :time => :pattern, :skeleton => 'MMMMY')
    formatter.format(Time.now)  #=> "únor 2015"

    formatter = ICU::TimeFormatting.create(:locale => 'cs_CZ', :date => :pattern, :time => :pattern, :skeleton => 'Y')
    formatter.format(Time.now)  #=> "2015"

Tested on:


  • OS X 10.6 - 10.10
  • Travis' Linux


  • 2.5
  • 2.6
  • 2.7
  • ruby-head


  • Any other useful part of ICU?
  • Windows?!

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Jari Bakken. See LICENSE for details.