A Java & Spring Boot based reusable library for integrating Insightly CRM with external systems and applications
Building the API client library requires Maven to be installed.
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn deploy
Refer to the official documentation for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
compile "com.insightly:insightlycrm-java-api:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn package
Then manually install the following JARs:
- target/insightlycrm-java-api-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- target/lib/*.jar
Please follow the installation instruction and review the following Java code:
package com.insightly.etl;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import com.insightly.etl.service.ICustomFieldMetadataService;
import com.insightly.etl.service.ILeadService;
import com.insightly.etl.service.IOrganisationService;
import com.insightly.etl.util.AppConfig;
import com.insightly.etl.util.InsightlyApiException;
import com.insightly.model.Address;
import com.insightly.model.ContactInfo;
import com.insightly.model.CustomField;
import com.insightly.model.CustomFieldMetadata;
import com.insightly.model.Lead;
import com.insightly.model.Organisation;
public class InsightlyCrmDataEtlImpl {
protected ICustomFieldMetadataService customFieldMetadataService;
private ICustomFieldMetadataService customFieldMetadataDatabaseImpl;
private ICustomFieldMetadataService customFieldMetadataRestImpl;
private ILeadService leadService;
private ILeadService leadServiceDatabaseImpl;
private ILeadService leadServiceRestImpl;
private IOrganisationService organisationService;
private IOrganisationService organisationServiceDatabaseImpl;
private IOrganisationService organisationServiceRestImpl;
private AppConfig appConfig;
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
public void addLead() {
long leadId = 123456789L;
Lead lead = null;
logger.trace("Posting new Insightly {} ...", lead);
try {
CustomFieldMetadata LEAD_FIELD_1 = customFieldMetadataService.findOptionalByFieldID("LEAD_FIELD_1").orElse(null);
lead = leadServiceRestImpl.findById(leadId).orElse(null);
if(null != lead) {
} else {
lead = Lead.builder()
.organizationName("Alphabet Inc.")
lead = leadService.save(lead);
CustomField customField = CustomField.builder()
.value("Lead Custom Field")
leadService.updateCustomField(leadId, customField);
} catch(InsightlyApiException ex) {
logger.error("Error posting new Insightly Lead");
public void addOrganisation() {
long organisationId = 987654321L;
Organisation organisation = null;
try {
CustomFieldMetadata ORGANISATION_FIELD_1 = customFieldMetadataService.findOptionalByFieldID("ORGANISATION_FIELD_1").orElse(null);
organisation = organisationServiceRestImpl.findById(organisationId).orElse(null);
if(null != organisation) {
} else {
organisation = Organisation.builder()
.name("Alphabet Inc.")
// Addresses
Optional<Address> address = organisation.setShippingAddress("1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy",
"Mountain View",
"United States");
if(address.isPresent()) {
Address shippingAddress = address.get();
organisationService.addAddress(organisationId, shippingAddress);
// ContactInfos
Optional<ContactInfo> contactInfo = organisation.setPhone("+1-650-253-0000");
if(contactInfo.isPresent()) {
ContactInfo phone = contactInfo.get();
organisationService.addContactInfo(organisationId, phone);
contactInfo = organisation.setWebsite("http://www.abc.xyz");
if(contactInfo.isPresent()) {
ContactInfo website = contactInfo.get();
organisationService.addContactInfo(organisationId, website);
contactInfo = organisation.setEmailDomain("abc.xyz");
if(contactInfo.isPresent()) {
ContactInfo emailDomain = contactInfo.get();
organisationService.addContactInfo(organisationId, emailDomain);
// CustomFields
CustomField customField = CustomField.builder()
.value("Lead Custom Field")
organisationService.updateCustomField(organisationId, customField);
} catch(InsightlyApiException ex) {
logger.error("Error posting new Insightly Organisation");
All URIs are relative to https://api.insight.ly/v2.2
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActivitySetsApi | getActivitySet | GET /ActivitySets/{id} | Gets a single Activity Set |
ActivitySetsApi | getActivitySets | GET /ActivitySets | Gets a list of Activity Sets |
CommentsApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Comments/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to a Comment |
CommentsApi | deleteComment | DELETE /Comments/{id} | Deletes a Comment |
CommentsApi | getComment | GET /Comments/{id} | Gets a Comment |
CommentsApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Comments/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets a Comments's File Attachments |
CommentsApi | updateComment | PUT /Comments | Updates a Comment |
ContactsApi | addActivitySetAssignment | POST /Contacts/{id}/ActivitySetAssignment | Adds an Activity Set to a Contact |
ContactsApi | addAddress | POST /Contacts/{id}/Addresses | Adds an Address |
ContactsApi | addContact | POST /Contacts | Adds a Contact |
ContactsApi | addContactInfo | POST /Contacts/{id}/ContactInfos | Adds a Contact Info |
ContactsApi | addContactLink | POST /Contacts/{id}/ContactLinks | Adds a Contact Link |
ContactsApi | addDate | POST /Contacts/{id}/Dates | Adds a Contact Date |
ContactsApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Contacts/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to a Contact |
ContactsApi | addFollow | POST /Contacts/{id}/Follow | Start following a Contact |
ContactsApi | addLink | POST /Contacts/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
ContactsApi | addNote | POST /Contacts/{id}/Notes | Adds a Note to a Contact |
ContactsApi | addTag | POST /Contacts/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag |
ContactsApi | deleteAddress | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/Addresses/{addressId} | Deletes an Address |
ContactsApi | deleteContact | DELETE /Contacts/{id} | Deletes a Contact |
ContactsApi | deleteContactInfo | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/ContactInfos/{contactInfoId} | Deletes a Contact Info |
ContactsApi | deleteContactLink | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/ContactLinks/{linkId} | Deletes a Contact Link |
ContactsApi | deleteCustomField | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/CustomFields/{customFieldId} | Deletes a Custom Field |
ContactsApi | deleteDate | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/Dates/{dateId} | Deletes a Contact Date |
ContactsApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/Follow | Stop following a Contact |
ContactsApi | deleteImage | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/Image | Deletes a Contact's Image |
ContactsApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
ContactsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Contacts/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag |
ContactsApi | getContact | GET /Contacts/{id} | Gets a Contact |
ContactsApi | getContacts | GET /Contacts | Gets a list of Contacts. |
ContactsApi | getContactsBySearch | GET /Contacts/Search | Gets a filtered list of Contacts. |
ContactsApi | getEmails | GET /Contacts/{id}/Emails | Gets a list of Contact's Emails |
ContactsApi | getEvents | GET /Contacts/{id}/Events | Gets a Contact's Events |
ContactsApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Contacts/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets a Contact's File Attachments |
ContactsApi | getFollow | GET /Contacts/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow record for the Contact |
ContactsApi | getImage | GET /Contacts/{id}/Image | Gets a Contact's Image |
ContactsApi | getNotes | GET /Contacts/{id}/Notes | Gets a Contact's Notes |
ContactsApi | getTasks | GET /Contacts/{id}/Tasks | Gets a list of Contact's Tasks |
ContactsApi | updateAddress | PUT /Contacts/{id}/Addresses | Updates an Address |
ContactsApi | updateContact | PUT /Contacts | Updates a Contact |
ContactsApi | updateContactInfo | PUT /Contacts/{id}/ContactInfos | Updates a Contact Info |
ContactsApi | updateContactLink | PUT /Contacts/{id}/ContactLinks | Updates a Contact Link |
ContactsApi | updateCustomField | PUT /Contacts/{id}/CustomFields | Updates a Custom Field |
ContactsApi | updateDate | PUT /Contacts/{id}/Dates | Updates a Contact Date |
ContactsApi | updateImage | PUT /Contacts/{id}/Image/{filename} | Updates a Contact's Image |
ContactsApi | updateLink | PUT /Contacts/{id}/Links | Updates a Link |
CountriesApi | getCountries | GET /Countries | Gets a list of Countries used by Insightly |
CurrenciesApi | getCurrencies | GET /Currencies | Gets a list of Currencies used by Insightly |
CustomFieldGroupsApi | getCustomFieldGroups | GET /CustomFieldGroups | Gets a list of Custom Field Groups defined for your instance |
CustomFieldsApi | getCustomFields | GET /CustomFields | Gets a list of Custom Fields |
EmailsApi | addComment | POST /Emails/{id}/Comments | Adds a Comment to an email. |
EmailsApi | addEmailLink | POST /Emails/{id}/EmailLinks | Adds an Email Link |
EmailsApi | addFollow | POST /Emails/{id}/Follow | Start following an Email |
EmailsApi | addTag | POST /Emails/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag for an Email |
EmailsApi | deleteEmailLink | DELETE /Emails/{id}/EmailLinks/{linkId} | Deletes an Email Link |
EmailsApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Emails/{id}/Follow | Stop following an Email |
EmailsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Emails/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag from an Email |
EmailsApi | getComments | GET /Emails/{id}/Comments | Gets an Email's Comments |
EmailsApi | getEmail | GET /Emails/{id} | Gets an Email |
EmailsApi | getEmails | GET /Emails | Gets a list of Emails. |
EmailsApi | getEmailsBySearch | GET /Emails/Search | Gets a filtered list of Emails. |
EmailsApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Emails/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets an Email's File Attachments |
EmailsApi | getFollow | GET /Emails/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow record for the Email |
EventsApi | addEvent | POST /Events | Adds a Calendar Event |
EventsApi | addEventLink | POST /Events/{id}/EventLinks | Adds an Event Link |
EventsApi | deleteEvent | DELETE /Events/{id} | Deletes a Calendar Event |
EventsApi | deleteEventLink | DELETE /Events/{id}/EventLinks/{linkId} | Deletes an Event Link |
EventsApi | getEvent | GET /Events/{id} | Gets a Calendar Event |
EventsApi | getEvents | GET /Events | Gets a list of Calendar Events. |
EventsApi | getEventsBySearch | GET /Events/Search | Gets a filtered list of Calendar Events. |
EventsApi | updateEvent | PUT /Events | Updates a Calendar Event |
FileAttachmentsApi | deleteFileAttachment | DELETE /FileAttachments/{id} | Deletes a File Attachment |
FileAttachmentsApi | getFileAttachment | GET /FileAttachments/{id} | Gets a File Attachment |
FileCategoriesApi | addFileCategory | POST /FileCategories | Adds a File Category |
FileCategoriesApi | deleteFileCategory | DELETE /FileCategories/{id} | Deactivates a File Category |
FileCategoriesApi | getFileCategories | GET /FileCategories | Gets a list of File Categories |
FileCategoriesApi | getFileCategory | GET /FileCategories/{id} | Gets a File Category |
FileCategoriesApi | updateFileCategory | PUT /FileCategories | Updates a File Category |
FollowsApi | getFollows | GET /Follows | Gets a list of followed records for the user |
InstanceApi | getInstance | GET /Instance | Gets the Instance |
LeadSourcesApi | addLeadSource | POST /LeadSources | Adds a Lead Source |
LeadSourcesApi | deleteLeadSource | DELETE /LeadSources/{id} | Deletes a Lead Source |
LeadSourcesApi | getLeadSources | GET /LeadSources | Gets a list of Lead Sources |
LeadSourcesApi | updateLeadSource | PUT /LeadSources | Updates a Lead Source |
LeadStatusesApi | addLeadStatus | POST /LeadStatuses | Adds a Lead Status |
LeadStatusesApi | deleteLeadStatus | DELETE /LeadStatuses/{id} | Deletes a Lead Status |
LeadStatusesApi | getLeadStatuses | GET /LeadStatuses | Gets a list of Lead Statuses |
LeadStatusesApi | updateLeadStatus | PUT /LeadStatuses | Updates a Lead Status |
LeadsApi | addActivitySetAssignment | POST /Leads/{id}/ActivitySetAssignment | Adds an Activity Set to a Lead |
LeadsApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Leads/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to a Lead |
LeadsApi | addFollow | POST /Leads/{id}/Follow | Start following a Lead |
LeadsApi | addLead | POST /Leads | Adds a Lead |
LeadsApi | addNote | POST /Leads/{id}/Notes | Adds a Note to a Lead. |
LeadsApi | addTag | POST /Leads/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag for a Lead |
LeadsApi | deleteCustomField | DELETE /Leads/{id}/CustomFields/{customFieldId} | Deletes a Custom Field |
LeadsApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Leads/{id}/Follow | Stop following a Lead |
LeadsApi | deleteImage | DELETE /Leads/{id}/Image | Deletes a Lead's Image |
LeadsApi | deleteLead | DELETE /Leads/{id} | Deletes a Lead |
LeadsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Leads/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag from a Lead |
LeadsApi | getEmails | GET /Leads/{id}/Emails | Gets a list of Lead's Emails |
LeadsApi | getEvents | GET /Leads/{id}/Events | Gets a Lead's Events |
LeadsApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Leads/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets a Lead's File Attachments |
LeadsApi | getFollow | GET /Leads/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow record for the Lead |
LeadsApi | getImage | GET /Leads/{id}/Image | Gets a Lead's Image |
LeadsApi | getLead | GET /Leads/{id} | Gets a Lead |
LeadsApi | getLeads | GET /Leads | Gets a list of Leads. |
LeadsApi | getLeadsBySearch | GET /Leads/Search | Gets a filtered list of Leads. |
LeadsApi | getLinkEmailAddress | GET /Leads/{id}/LinkEmailAddress | Gets the email address to use for linking with the Lead |
LeadsApi | getNotes | GET /Leads/{id}/Notes | Gets a Lead's Notes |
LeadsApi | getTasks | GET /Leads/{id}/Tasks | Gets a list of Lead's Tasks |
LeadsApi | updateCustomField | PUT /Leads/{id}/CustomFields | Updates a Custom Field |
LeadsApi | updateImage | PUT /Leads/{id}/Image/{filename} | Updates a Lead's Image |
LeadsApi | updateLead | PUT /Leads | Updates a Lead |
MilestonesApi | getMilestones | GET /Milestones | Gets a list of Milestones. |
MilestonesApi | getMilestonesBySearch | GET /Milestones/Search | Gets a filtered list of Milestones. |
NotesApi | addComment | POST /Notes/{id}/Comments | Adds a Comment to a Note |
NotesApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Notes/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to a Note |
NotesApi | addFollow | POST /Notes/{id}/Follow | Start following a Note |
NotesApi | addNoteLink | POST /Notes/{id}/NoteLinks | Adds a Note Link |
NotesApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Notes/{id}/Follow | Stop following a Note |
NotesApi | deleteNote | DELETE /Notes/{id} | Deletes a Note |
NotesApi | deleteNoteLink | DELETE /Notes/{id}/NoteLinks/{linkId} | Deletes a Note Link |
NotesApi | getComments | GET /Notes/{id}/Comments | Gets a Note's Comments |
NotesApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Notes/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets a Note's File Attachments |
NotesApi | getFollow | GET /Notes/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow record for the Note |
NotesApi | getNote | GET /Notes/{id} | Gets a Note |
NotesApi | getNotes | GET /Notes | Gets a list of Notes. |
NotesApi | getNotesBySearch | GET /Notes/Search | Gets a filtered list of Notes. |
NotesApi | updateNote | PUT /Notes | Updates a Note |
OpportunitiesApi | addActivitySetAssignment | POST /Opportunities/{id}/ActivitySetAssignment | Adds an Activity Set to an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Opportunities/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | addFollow | POST /Opportunities/{id}/Follow | Start following an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | addLink | POST /Opportunities/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
OpportunitiesApi | addNote | POST /Opportunities/{id}/Notes | Adds a Note to an Opportunity. |
OpportunitiesApi | addOpportunity | POST /Opportunities | Adds an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | addTag | POST /Opportunities/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag for an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | deleteCustomField | DELETE /Opportunities/{id}/CustomFields/{customFieldId} | Deletes a Custom Field |
OpportunitiesApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Opportunities/{id}/Follow | Stop following an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | deleteImage | DELETE /Opportunities/{id}/Image | Deletes an Opportunity's Image |
OpportunitiesApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Opportunities/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
OpportunitiesApi | deleteOpportunity | DELETE /Opportunities/{id} | Deletes an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | deletePipeline | DELETE /Opportunities/{id}/Pipeline | Clears pipeline for the opportunity. |
OpportunitiesApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Opportunities/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag from an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | getEmails | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Emails | Gets a list of Opportunity's Emails |
OpportunitiesApi | getEvents | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Events | Gets an Opportunity's Events |
OpportunitiesApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Opportunities/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets an Opportunity's File Attachments |
OpportunitiesApi | getFollow | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow record for the Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | getImage | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Image | Gets an Opportunity's Image |
OpportunitiesApi | getLinkEmailAddress | GET /Opportunities/{id}/LinkEmailAddress | Gets the email address to use for linking with the opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | getNotes | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Notes | Gets an Opportunity's Notes |
OpportunitiesApi | getOpportunities | GET /Opportunities | Gets a list of Opportunities. |
OpportunitiesApi | getOpportunitiesBySearch | GET /Opportunities/Search | Gets a filtered list of Opportunities. |
OpportunitiesApi | getOpportunity | GET /Opportunities/{id} | Gets an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | getStateHistory | GET /Opportunities/{id}/StateHistory | Gets the history of States and Reasons for an Opportunity. |
OpportunitiesApi | getTasks | GET /Opportunities/{id}/Tasks | Gets a list of Opportunity's Tasks |
OpportunitiesApi | updateCustomField | PUT /Opportunities/{id}/CustomFields | Updates a Custom Field |
OpportunitiesApi | updateImage | PUT /Opportunities/{id}/Image/{filename} | Updates an Opportunity's Image |
OpportunitiesApi | updateLink | PUT /Opportunities/{id}/Links | Updates a Link |
OpportunitiesApi | updateOpportunity | PUT /Opportunities | Updates an Opportunity |
OpportunitiesApi | updatePipeline | PUT /Opportunities/{id}/Pipeline | Changes current pipeline for the opportunity. |
OpportunitiesApi | updatePipelineStage | PUT /Opportunities/{id}/PipelineStage | Changes current pipeline stage for the opportunity. |
OpportunityCategoriesApi | addOpportunityCategory | POST /OpportunityCategories | Adds an Opportunity Category |
OpportunityCategoriesApi | deleteOpportunityCategory | DELETE /OpportunityCategories/{id} | Deactivates an Opportunity Category |
OpportunityCategoriesApi | getOpportunityCategories | GET /OpportunityCategories | Gets a list of Opportunity Categories |
OpportunityCategoriesApi | getOpportunityCategory | GET /OpportunityCategories/{id} | Gets an Opportunity Category |
OpportunityCategoriesApi | updateOpportunityCategory | PUT /OpportunityCategories | Updates an Opportunity Category |
OpportunityStateReasonsApi | getOpportunityStateReasons | GET /OpportunityStateReasons | Gets a list of Opportunity State Reasons |
OrganisationsApi | addActivitySetAssignment | POST /Organisations/{id}/ActivitySetAssignment | Adds an Activity Set to an Organisation |
OrganisationsApi | addAddress | POST /Organisations/{id}/Addresses | Adds an Address |
OrganisationsApi | addContactInfo | POST /Organisations/{id}/ContactInfos | Adds a Contact Info |
OrganisationsApi | addDate | POST /Organisations/{id}/Dates | Adds an Organisation Date |
OrganisationsApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Organisations/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to an Organisation |
OrganisationsApi | addFollow | POST /Organisations/{id}/Follow | Start following an Organisation |
OrganisationsApi | addLink | POST /Organisations/{id}/Links | Adds a Link |
OrganisationsApi | addNote | POST /Organisations/{id}/Notes | Adds a Note to an Organisation |
OrganisationsApi | addOrganisation | POST /Organisations | Adds an Organisation |
OrganisationsApi | addOrganisationLink | POST /Organisations/{id}/OrganisationLinks | Adds an Organisation Link |
OrganisationsApi | addTag | POST /Organisations/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag |
OrganisationsApi | deleteAddress | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/Addresses/{addressId} | Deletes an Address |
OrganisationsApi | deleteContactInfo | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/ContactInfos/{contactInfoId} | Deletes a Contact Info |
OrganisationsApi | deleteCustomField | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/CustomFields/{customFieldId} | Deletes a Custom Field |
OrganisationsApi | deleteDate | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/Dates/{dateId} | Deletes an Organisation Date |
OrganisationsApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/Follow | Stop following an Organisation |
OrganisationsApi | deleteImage | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/Image | Deletes an Organisation's Image |
OrganisationsApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link |
OrganisationsApi | deleteOrganisation | DELETE /Organisations/{id} | Deletes an Organisation |
OrganisationsApi | deleteOrganisationLink | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/OrganisationLinks/{linkId} | Deletes an Organisation Link |
OrganisationsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Organisations/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag |
OrganisationsApi | getEmails | GET /Organisations/{id}/Emails | Gets a list of Organisation's Emails |
OrganisationsApi | getEvents | GET /Organisations/{id}/Events | Gets an Organisation's Events |
OrganisationsApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Organisations/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets an Organisation's File Attachments |
OrganisationsApi | getFollow | GET /Organisations/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow record for the Organisation |
OrganisationsApi | getImage | GET /Organisations/{id}/Image | Gets an Organisations's Image |
OrganisationsApi | getNotes | GET /Organisations/{id}/Notes | Gets an Organisation's Notes |
OrganisationsApi | getOrganisation | GET /Organisations/{id} | Gets an Organisation |
OrganisationsApi | getOrganisations | GET /Organisations | Gets a list of Organisations. |
OrganisationsApi | getOrganisationsBySearch | GET /Organisations/Search | Gets a filtered list of Organisations. |
OrganisationsApi | getTasks | GET /Organisations/{id}/Tasks | Gets a list of Organisation's Tasks |
OrganisationsApi | updateAddress | PUT /Organisations/{id}/Addresses | Updates an Address |
OrganisationsApi | updateContactInfo | PUT /Organisations/{id}/ContactInfos | Updates a Contact Info |
OrganisationsApi | updateCustomField | PUT /Organisations/{id}/CustomFields | Updates a Custom Field |
OrganisationsApi | updateDate | PUT /Organisations/{id}/Dates | Updates an Organisation Date |
OrganisationsApi | updateImage | PUT /Organisations/{id}/Image/{filename} | Updates an Organisation's Image |
OrganisationsApi | updateLink | PUT /Organisations/{id}/Links | Updates a Link |
OrganisationsApi | updateOrganisation | PUT /Organisations | Updates an Organisation |
OrganisationsApi | updateOrganisationLink | PUT /Organisations/{id}/OrganisationLinks | Updates an Organisation Link |
PermissionsApi | getPermissions | GET /Permissions | Gets the Permissions for a User |
PipelineStagesApi | getPipelineStage | GET /PipelineStages/{id} | Gets a Pipeline Stage |
PipelineStagesApi | getPipelineStages | GET /PipelineStages | Gets a list of Pipeline Stages |
PipelinesApi | getPipeline | GET /Pipelines/{id} | Gets a Pipeline |
PipelinesApi | getPipelines | GET /Pipelines | Gets a list of Pipelines |
ProjectCategoriesApi | addProjectCategory | POST /ProjectCategories | Adds a Project Category |
ProjectCategoriesApi | deleteProjectCategory | DELETE /ProjectCategories/{id} | Deactivates a Project Category |
ProjectCategoriesApi | getProjectCategories | GET /ProjectCategories | Gets a list of Project Categories |
ProjectCategoriesApi | getProjectCategory | GET /ProjectCategories/{id} | Gets a Project Category |
ProjectCategoriesApi | updateProjectCategory | PUT /ProjectCategories | Updates a Project Category |
ProjectsApi | addActivitySetAssignment | POST /Projects/{id}/ActivitySetAssignment | Adds an Activity Set to a Project |
ProjectsApi | addFileAttachment | POST /Projects/{id}/FileAttachments | Adds a File Attachment to a Project |
ProjectsApi | addFollow | POST /Projects/{id}/Follow | Start following a Project |
ProjectsApi | addLink | POST /Projects/{id}/Links | Adds a Link to a project |
ProjectsApi | addMilestone | POST /Projects/{id}/Milestones | Adds a Milestone to a Project |
ProjectsApi | addNote | POST /Projects/{id}/Notes | Adds a Note to a Project. |
ProjectsApi | addProject | POST /Projects | Adds a Project |
ProjectsApi | addTag | POST /Projects/{id}/Tags | Adds a Tag for a Project |
ProjectsApi | deleteCustomField | DELETE /Projects/{id}/CustomFields/{customFieldId} | Deletes a Custom Field |
ProjectsApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Follow | Stop following a Project |
ProjectsApi | deleteImage | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Image | Deletes a Project's Image |
ProjectsApi | deleteLink | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Links/{linkId} | Deletes a Link from a project |
ProjectsApi | deleteMilestone | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Milestones/{milestoneId} | Deletes a Milestone from a Project |
ProjectsApi | deletePipeline | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Pipeline | Clears pipeline for the Project. |
ProjectsApi | deleteProject | DELETE /Projects/{id} | Deletes a Project |
ProjectsApi | deleteTag | DELETE /Projects/{id}/Tags/{tagName} | Deletes a Tag from a Project |
ProjectsApi | getEmails | GET /Projects/{id}/Emails | Gets a list of Project's Emails |
ProjectsApi | getEvents | GET /Projects/{id}/Events | Gets a Project's Events |
ProjectsApi | getFileAttachments | GET /Projects/{id}/FileAttachments | Gets a Project's File Attachments |
ProjectsApi | getFollow | GET /Projects/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow record for the Project |
ProjectsApi | getImage | GET /Projects/{id}/Image | Gets a Project's Image |
ProjectsApi | getLinkEmailAddress | GET /Projects/{id}/LinkEmailAddress | Gets the email address to use for linking with the Project |
ProjectsApi | getMilestones | GET /Projects/{id}/Milestones | Gets a list of Milestones for a Project |
ProjectsApi | getNotes | GET /Projects/{id}/Notes | Gets a Project's Notes |
ProjectsApi | getProject | GET /Projects/{id} | Gets a Project |
ProjectsApi | getProjects | GET /Projects | Gets a list of Projects. |
ProjectsApi | getProjectsBySearch | GET /Projects/Search | Gets a filtered list of Projects. |
ProjectsApi | getTasks | GET /Projects/{id}/Tasks | Gets a list of Project's Tasks |
ProjectsApi | updateCustomField | PUT /Projects/{id}/CustomFields | Updates a Custom Field |
ProjectsApi | updateImage | PUT /Projects/{id}/Image/{filename} | Updates a Project's Image |
ProjectsApi | updateLink | PUT /Projects/{id}/Links | Updates a Link for a project |
ProjectsApi | updateMilestone | PUT /Projects/{id}/Milestones | Updates a Milestone for a Project |
ProjectsApi | updatePipeline | PUT /Projects/{id}/Pipeline | Changes current pipeline for the project. |
ProjectsApi | updatePipelineStage | PUT /Projects/{id}/PipelineStage | Changes current pipeline stage for the project. |
ProjectsApi | updateProject | PUT /Projects | Updates a Project |
RelationshipsApi | getRelationships | GET /Relationships | Gets a list of Relationships |
TagsApi | getTags | GET /Tags | Gets a list of Tags used for a record type |
TaskCategoriesApi | addTaskCategory | POST /TaskCategories | Adds a Task Category |
TaskCategoriesApi | deleteTaskCategory | DELETE /TaskCategories/{id} | Deactivates a Task Category |
TaskCategoriesApi | getTaskCategories | GET /TaskCategories | Gets a list of Task Categories |
TaskCategoriesApi | getTaskCategory | GET /TaskCategories/{id} | Gets a Task Category |
TaskCategoriesApi | updateTaskCategory | PUT /TaskCategories | Updates a Task Category |
TasksApi | addComment | POST /Tasks/{id}/Comments | Adds a Comment to a task. |
TasksApi | addFollow | POST /Tasks/{id}/Follow | Start following a Task |
TasksApi | addTask | POST /Tasks | Adds a Task |
TasksApi | addTaskLink | POST /Tasks/{id}/TaskLinks | Adds a Task Link |
TasksApi | deleteFollow | DELETE /Tasks/{id}/Follow | Stop following a Task |
TasksApi | deleteTask | DELETE /Tasks/{id} | Deletes a Task |
TasksApi | deleteTaskLink | DELETE /Tasks/{id}/TaskLinks/{linkId} | Deletes a Task Link |
TasksApi | getComments | GET /Tasks/{id}/Comments | Gets a Task's Comments |
TasksApi | getFollow | GET /Tasks/{id}/Follow | Gets a Follow record for the Task |
TasksApi | getTask | GET /Tasks/{id} | Gets a Task |
TasksApi | getTasks | GET /Tasks | Gets a list of Tasks. |
TasksApi | getTasksBySearch | GET /Tasks/Search | Gets a filtered list of Tasks. |
TasksApi | updateTask | PUT /Tasks | Updates a Task |
TeamMembersApi | addTeamMember | POST /TeamMembers | Adds a new Team Member |
TeamMembersApi | deleteTeamMember | DELETE /TeamMembers/{id} | Deletes a Team Member |
TeamMembersApi | getTeamMember | GET /TeamMembers/{id} | Gets a Team Member |
TeamMembersApi | getTeamMembers | GET /TeamMembers | Gets a list of Team Members |
TeamsApi | addTeam | POST /Teams | Adds a Team |
TeamsApi | addTeamMember | POST /Teams/{id}/TeamMembers | Adds a Team Member |
TeamsApi | deleteTeam | DELETE /Teams/{id} | Deletes a Team |
TeamsApi | deleteTeamMember | DELETE /Teams/{id}/TeamMembers/{permissionId} | Deletes a Team Member |
TeamsApi | getTeam | GET /Teams/{id} | Gets a Team |
TeamsApi | getTeams | GET /Teams | Gets a list of Teams. |
TeamsApi | getTeamsBySearch | GET /Teams/Search | Gets a filtered list of Teams. |
TeamsApi | updateTeam | PUT /Teams | Updates a Team |
UsersApi | getUser | GET /Users/{id} | Gets a User |
UsersApi | getUserMe | GET /Users/Me | Gets the User object for the calling user. |
UsersApi | getUsers | GET /Users | Gets a list of Users |
UsersApi | getUsersBySearch | GET /Users/Search | Gets a filtered list of Users |
- Activity
- ActivityAssignment
- ActivitySet
- ActivitySetAssignment
- Address
- CalendarEvent
- Category
- Comment
- Contact
- ContactDate
- ContactInfo
- ContactLink
- Country
- Currency
- CustomField
- CustomFieldGroup
- CustomFieldMetadata
- CustomFieldOption
- EmailLink
- EventLink
- File
- FileAttachment
- Follow
- Instance
- Lead
- LeadSource
- LeadStatus
- Link
- LinkEmailAddress
- Milestone
- Note
- NoteLink
- ObjectPermissions
- Opportunity
- OpportunityState
- OpportunityStateReason
- Organisation
- OrganisationDate
- OrganisationLink
- Permissions
- Pipeline
- PipelineChange
- PipelineStage
- PipelineStageChange
- Project
- Relationship
- Tag
- Task
- TaskLink
- Team
- TeamMember
- User
- UserFollow
All endpoints do not require authorization. Authentication schemes defined for the API:
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
Sandeep Khanna