Write a simple tests for below WSDL using Groovy test step
WSDL Address: http://currencyconverter.kowabunga.net/converter.asmx?WSDL
Current Test Struture with name "Testing" is a Test suite At testSuite level I defined some values for the test. i.e USD,GBP ,CurrentDate and Rate.
-TestCase 1- "GetConversionRate_testcase" is a test case in which I Ised tool specific assertions to validate if its a SOAP Response ,has correct Https status Codes and Validate response contains the value
-TestCase2 - "GetConversionAmount_testcase" is another test cases in which I used tool specific assertions to validate if its a SOAP Response ,has correct Https status Codes and Validate response contains the value
-TestCase3 - "Property transfer" function of the tool to get a value from Request1 request and use it in Request 2 as a Request.
-TestCase4 - Scripts - It contains the scripts for validating the response has a desired value for both Requests[Request1 and Resquest2]