TaskMaster - Task Management Application

TaskMaster is a versatile and user-friendly task management application designed to help individuals and teams efficiently organize and track their tasks and to-do lists. With its intuitive interface and robust features, TaskMaster simplifies the management of tasks, ensuring that users can stay productive and organized.

Key Features:

User Registration and Authentication:

  • Register an account with TaskMaster to access all features securely.
  • Log in to your account with a username and password.
  • Log out to protect your account's security.

Task Management:

  • Create tasks with titles, descriptions, due dates, categories, and important flags.
  • View a list of all tasks, filterable by status (pending or completed) and category (work, personal, etc.).
  • View detailed information about a single task.
  • Update and edit task details as needed.
  • Delete tasks that are no longer relevant.

Category Management:

  • Create and manage task categories to organize your tasks effectively.
  • Edit and update category names and colors.
  • Delete categories when they are no longer needed.

Reminder and Notification:

  • Set reminders for tasks with customizable dates and times.
  • Receive notifications for upcoming tasks and deadlines.
  • View and manage your reminders easily.

Collaboration and Sharing:

  • Share tasks with other users.
  • Assign tasks to team members.
  • Comment on tasks to facilitate communication.


  • Upload attachments related to tasks for easy reference.
  • Download attachments when needed.

Administrator Features (If applicable):

  • Admins can access user management features.
  • Admins can view user tasks for administrative purposes.


Application is available on below localhost with port 8081

Available Endpoints

After run application you can check on http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui/index.html which endpoints are available img.png img_1.png

Login to MySQL database

make sure your database is running and task_master database is created manually. Rest of the tables will be generated automatically by application.

Example usages

It is possible for testing API in Swagger, Postman, curl and endpoints with GET Mapping directly on browser Let me show some of the examples:

Add task in Swagger:

Getting Started:

  1. Clone the TaskMaster repository.
  2. Install the required dependencies.
  3. Configure the application settings.
  4. Run the application.


We welcome contributions from the community. If you would like to contribute to TaskMaster, please follow our Contribution Guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

© 2023 TaskMaster